Monday, December 29, 2008

Some Day Brighteners

Be exalted,O God,above the heavens,
and let your glory be over all the earth.
Psalm 108:5This bee is busy gathering food while it is available A scene typical of our area,open prairie and grain fields.
My favorite lily,a Stargazer.
All pictures by Ruth

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Recent Visitors

A regular at the peanut butter cones,the Hairy Woodpecker This Blue Jay sat long enough to get a couple of pictures
We found this tree bathed in sunlight one aftrnoon.
I thought it looked quite regal.
A Downy Woodpecker with sunlight on his head.
The White-breasted Nuthatch is usually quick to moveon
but this one gave me a chance for a picture.
A quote I found recently says it all.
Learn to have a good time without
spending a lot of money.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Robin

In the glad tidings
Of the first Christmas night
God showed us the Way,
and the Truth and the Light.Today appreciate the magnificent gift of God's love.
Christmas Blessings to you from
Jake and Ruth

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas To Me

Christmas to me
Is a gift from above-
A gift of salvation
Born of God's love.

Grapevine wreath with pine cones filled with peanut butter suet.

Nyjer feeder Blue Jay feasting on sunflower seeds. Today,share a gift with your feathered,flying friends. The birds will appreciate water,suet,and seeds. God made all creatures.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Busy Week

This little Goldfinch showed up at our feeders today.
The bright color was a surprize for this time of year. The last few days we have had two Robins around. They look quite cold and out of place. They are coming to drink from the heated birdbath. Even though we are putting out raisins they are not interested. The past week has been very busy,driving extra-curicular trips daily.This was what I saw yesterday while waiting for the students to come out for a trip to the movie theater. Our supervisor had invited all drivers for a coffee in the morning. Looks like most of them were able to attend. In the few hours I had at home I spent some time baking. This is the bread ready for the oven.
And the loaves ready to eat.
Great acts are made of small deeds

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Creative Photography

Some more lights from Jake's slides. The following three pictures were taken using the zoom lens. He focused on the lights then zoomed out while the shutter was open.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I thought you might enjoy this pretty face as a greeting today.
When I look at this picture I have to smile.
Our Christmas card to all of you.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter Fury

Christmas lights of long ago A house bathed in light More Christmas lights. The above three pictures are from slide scans. All credit goes to my dear husband,Jake. This was taken at about 9:30 this morning. That is not snow,but ice crystals on the poor litle birds head and back.
A Goldfinch also with a crown of ice.
It was and still is very cold. -26 C or -15 F
and strong winds.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Old Slide Scans

Here is a collection of pictures,most of which have been
taken many years ago.Jake has been an avid photographer for many years.
This is a sample of his work.
Top L-R:Common Redpoll,Prairie Crocus,Sunbeams
Center L-R:Bambi,Christmas Bible,Wood Duck
Bottom L-R:Star Trails,Tulips,Spider Web.
The wonders of the universe compel us to worship our wonderful God.
Stop and consider the wondrous works of God. Job 37:14

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This and That

I spent a delightful morning baking buns with my grandaughter,Kai.
Here the buns she made are ready to be baked. The finished product.Her first try was a success. We have been invaded by Pine Siskins.
We have two feeders like this and they are always full of birds.
The picture is not the greatest is hard shooting against a bright sky.
This is some of what I do when I put the camera down.
The verse in the picture is as follows-
Luke 2:7
This picture is probably my all time favorite.
It took me four years to complete.
The stitched area is 19 in.by31 in.on 16 count aida.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Let It Snow

Our small park.
This was obviously taken in winter and turned into a Black and White.
The same picture in color.
Jake took these early one morning while out for his walk. This is looking down our street during a snow storm. Lots of snow and very little driving for a while.
I took this picture a few miles down the road from Morden.
The small pond attracts quite a few waterfowl.
These Canada Geese are barely visible during a heavy fog.
Praise the Lord,
Give thanks to Lord,
For He is good.
Psalm 106:1

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Looking at Old Pictures

This is a scene from years ago taken south of our town of Morden. Heavy hoar frost ewverywhere. And more frost to decorate the trees.
The sighting of a Cardinal in our area is rare.
We were blest to see one several years ago.
This bird was at a feeder in our rural area.
Snowy Owls are usually present in winter.
A beautiful bird!
All of the above pictures were taken by Jake many years before the digital age.
This is the day to marvel as you discover a bit of God
in people,in nature and in happenings.