Friday, January 31, 2025

The Great Gray Owl

The Great Gray Owl has long been on my bucket list to photograph. Yes, I had a couple of decent images, but I was not totally happy with them.

Since the Great Gray Owl is the provincial bird of Manitoba, it is somewhat special.

I have put on many miles looking for this elusive bird, but always came back without any photos. 

On Monday,January 27,2025, a friend and I set out once again in search of this bird.

It seemed as though the search would end like so many others have, but on a final drive down this certain stretch of road, there it was. I was thrilled to see it out in the open like this. 

After it gave us great opportunities for pictures it took off. Now, at just that moment I was looking elsewhere and missed those images. What I did get was a special memory. This beautiful bird flew right over my head,it felt very close but was likely higher than I thought. What impressed me was that even at this close range the flight was perfectly silent

I turned around and was able to get a few flight shots as it flew away from me.

Here it is approaching a tree stump on which to land.

And there it sat in all it's beauty just looking around.My camera and my friends were clicking away getting picture after picture.

After many images were captured we walked away, leaving the owl sitting there and watching us.
My heart was overflowing with joy.
All I could think was, To God be the Glory!

Thursday, January 23, 2025


I'm sharing just one picture today. 
If any of you have noticed endless posts from me today, it is because I migrated all my previous posts from Ruth's Photo Blog to the current Ruth's Photo Journal. I apologize for this, and also it seems that the posts did not come in the right order.     

I am trusting that going forward from here it will all be well.


Enough For Me

Today I am sharing a number of sky scenes that caught my attention. Instead of my own words, I am sharing the words to the song,'Enough For Me' written by Lee Black. I have a link at the end of the post, if you wish to listen to this.

 When I lay my head on my pillow at night,

 Counting all the blessings in my life,

Food on the table and a roof above,

 At the top of the list is my Saviors love.

 He took my broken heart and He made it new,

 So I’m thinking there’s nothing He can’t do,

Grace for the journey, strength for the fight,

 Mercy in the morning a song in the night.

If he never ever did another thing for me,

I’d be forever thanking him for Calvary,

He lived and He died and He rose in three,

 Hallelujah that will always be enough for me,

Just a note regarding the last two images. They are the same picture only different editing.


14 Years Later

On September 1,2008, I posted my first blog post. 14 years have passed and I have shared many photos. Many of you have been with me through difficult times and through times of joy. I am so thankful for each one of you. 

Life changes and I have reached a point where posting to this blog is becoming more of a chore than a joy, so it is time to say farewell. I will not be closing my blog completely, just in case I want to come back at some point. 

I will be sharing my pictures on Facebook and Instagram so I hope if you are not already following me there you will do so soon. I can be found on both these sites by doing a search for my name, Ruth Hiebert.

Back on September 1, 2008, I posted one picture of clouds, so I thought it might be appropriate to end with a set of cloud photos.

Friends are the closet thing to angels, this side of heaven.


The Tree

After an absence of over six months from blogging, I have decided to jump back in. I will not be posting every day, I do that on Facebook and Instagram, but I will put out an occasional post here in Blogland.

I am starting with a collection of images from one tree. This is referred to at my house, as The Tree. It is more like a cluster of trees but together they have a beautiful shape.

For those who follow me on Facebook, this same post was published there a few weeks ago.

This first image was captured in early November, several years ago. The Tree is barren and all around it looks fairly lifeless.

The second picture is one taken in August a few years ago. The tree is vibrant with life and the fields around it are rich with color.

The next three photos are all from January 2023. We had a spell of hoar frost, which in turn created so much beauty

I was out that way several times and some days the fog was heavy, almost hiding The Tree. In my opinion it still was a picture of beauty.

The Tree was turned into an artistic scene with only a few simple edits.
One cluster of trees and so many varied scenes.

To Think About:

The beauty of creation reflects the beauty of our Creator.
The beauty of creation gives us reasons to sing God’s praise.

Spring Raptor Migration

This time of year is exciting. Birds are making their way north to their summer homes. 

The Pembina Valley is one of the main migration corridors in Manitoba. Thousands of Eagles and Hawks make their way through this area every spring.

I had the chance recently to spend a few hours with a fellow birder, watching the spectacle in the sky.

Most numerous of the birds passing through is the Red-tailed Hawk, such as the one seen below.

Some smaller birds of prey also make their way through like this American Kestral, below.

As I said, the most numerous birds are the Red-tailed Hawk, but they come in varying morphs. Below is a dark morph, also known as a Harlan's Hawk, but is still a Red-tailed Hawk.

Of course there is no mistaking the beauty of a mature Bald Eagle. This one below is being followed closely by another Red-tailed Hawk.

As beautiful and majestic as the Bald Eagle is, seeing a Red-tailed Hawk in the blue sky is breathtaking.

 The beauty we see in nature all around us is reason enough to give Praise to the Creator who made all this.

Winter Wonderland

Welcome to my new blog, Ruth's Photo Journal.
I will attempt to share some of my images, beauty in nature, as I see it.

When I wake up to frost covered trees, I must grab my camera and head out of town.

Waiting For Spring

While we wait for spring, we may as well enjoy the snow, because it will be here whether or not I enjoy it.

I have mentioned before how I enjoy seeing the sculpted designs created with nothing more than some snowflakes and the wind. Oh yes, The Hand of God is at work as well.

Just look at the crisp lines and defined shapes. I find them beautiful.

Driving along, I noticed the wind and snow at work, creating yet more intricate designs in the snow. For my friends that live in areas that don't get the snow storms, yes, this is blowing snow and yes, it was perfectly safe for me to be out on the road. I have lived in southern Manitoba all my life and choose not to be out when I do not feel safe.

We leave the stormy countryside and head back into my house. The next three photos were captured while standing in my warm home.
The Black-capped Chickadee had just picked up a seed at the feeder and flown to a small Oak tree to consume it.

The Red-breasted Nuthatch and I are quite close to each other, but a pane of glass between us made him feel at ease.

Of all the birds I love, the Chickadee has got to be my favourite.This one is also sitting at the feeder, attached right outside my window. One of the things I love about this bird is that no matter how cold the weather, when I step outside, I can hear their cheery whistle. That is a sound that brings a smile to my face every time.

As I was typing the previous sentence a thought came to me. 
Perhaps I need to be more like the Chickadee. Instead of complaining why not whistle or sing a happy tune. OK, so you don't really want me to sing, but I can carry a song in my heart even during the most unpleasant of times and just maybe it will help to lift someone else up as well.

To God Be The Glory!


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Winter Sunset

I know I've said it before but there is so much beauty, even in winter. A few weeks ago, I was out at sunset time and was able to capture these images.

The clouds lit up with the setting sun.

As I turned around, I saw these amazing cloud formations, tinted in the softest colors.
I think they are beautiful.

Even as the colors of the western sky faded, they still remained beautiful.
Did my hands get cold? Most certainly ,yes. but it was so worth it.

A Closing Thought -

Genesis 8:22 NIV

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." 

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Beauty of Winter

Many people do not like winter and I do understand why, but I believe there is beauty to be found even in winter.  Yes, Manitoba winters can be harsh, as we are experiencing right now. We have a raging blizzard outside, many roads have been closed as well as schools and some businesses.

A few weeks ago I was out driving the country roads looking for photo opportunities. The Grey Partridge is a bird I have not gotten great pictures of, but on this day I was given the chance to capture at least one good shot. Be sure to enlarge this image to appreciate the details in those feathers.

A heavy layer of hoarfrost was covering everything. The sun, low on the horizon added to the beauty of these trees.

I pretty much just turned around to see a totally different light on this grove of trees. That evening sun was painting the trees in a soft golden color.

I came home rejoicing over the beauty I had witnessed.

A Closing Thought:

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” -John Steinbeck

Monday, January 13, 2025

Hello Again

 Hello to all. 

It's been a while but I will try the blog again.

What better way to resort than to show a majestic Bald Eagle  in a frost covered landscape. If you look closely you can see some of it's feathers outlined with frost.

Yes, this is a coloured image, but certainly looks black and white. A heavy layer of hoarfrost covered everything.

A picture like this makes me wonder what is at the other end. The frost covered trees add to the mystery.

Closing Thought:

A limited situation may afford the soul chance to grow.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Winter Wonderland

Welcome to my new blog, Ruth's Photo Journal.
I will attempt to share some of my images, beauty in nature, as I see it.

When I wake up to frost covered trees, I must grab my camera and head out of town.

The term, picture perfect often comes to mind.

Trees that stood bare just the day before are all coated with a layer of delicate frost crystals.
I know there are different kinds of frost, but for my purposes here, I will just call it frost and allow you to see the beauty of it.

I encourage you to look around you and see the beauty that is right there.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Spring! A Time For Courtship

Well, friends, we are going back to the Kaleida Marshes. During springtime there's so much activity there. Today we focus on the American Coot. These birds are usually not very cooperative to pose for photos, but this evening they had other things on their mind.

This looks very calm and the reflection is lovely.

I am not an expert on these birds but I'm thinking this one is trying to attract a mate.

It looks like he/she has company, so off they go.

The action is at times quite vigorous. I enjoyed capturing way too many photos.

As the sun was setting, the action continued on the other side of me.Again, I can't say what is going on but I sure enjoyed watching it. Enlarging this photo will show a foot in the air, as if to say,"Stop".

Something To Think About:

Practice the pause. 

When in doubt, pause. 

When angry, pause. 

When tired, pause. 

When stressed, Pause. 

And when you pause, pray.