The Great Gray Owl has long been on my bucket list to photograph. Yes, I had a couple of decent images, but I was not totally happy with them.
Since the Great Gray Owl is the provincial bird of Manitoba, it is somewhat special.
I have put on many miles looking for this elusive bird, but always came back without any photos.
On Monday,January 27,2025, a friend and I set out once again in search of this bird.
It seemed as though the search would end like so many others have, but on a final drive down this certain stretch of road, there it was. I was thrilled to see it out in the open like this.
After it gave us great opportunities for pictures it took off. Now, at just that moment I was looking elsewhere and missed those images. What I did get was a special memory. This beautiful bird flew right over my head,it felt very close but was likely higher than I thought. What impressed me was that even at this close range the flight was perfectly silent