Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Few Birds

This little Dark-eyed Junco has a simple elegance. The Black-capped Chickadee,always a favorite. A male Mallard in all his beauty. "You can learn a great deal about God by studying His creation."


  1. Agree with your ending statement. Great photos!

  2. So true, now if only people would take the time to look.

  3. I love the little Junco... it's always been my favorite little bird!
    Beautiful photographs!

  4. Since I have begun taking pictures I now have so much more respect for all the wonderful, and beautiful sights God has created. Love your birds! My birds are increasing by the day now, and with snow predicted for this week-end they'll not go hungry.
    Have a wonderful day Ruth.

  5. Such variety....shows off God's creative eye!

  6. Beautiful pic's Ruth... I love the close-up of the mallard. Gorgeous!!!! Also--I may have said this before, but your chickadees look a little different from ours. Ours have the black-cap--but don't have the goldish color! Interesting!

  7. Beautiful sentiment to go w/ your vibrant photos! still can't get over that green head of the mallard - wonderful!

  8. Lovely pictures of our faithful winter birds. There is amazing diversity in God's creation. Our creative efforts are nothing in comparison.

  9. Please come by to visit, to retreive and pass along a blogging award I have given you.

  10. A nice post, as usual!! The green and blue hues in the head of the male mallard are always so stunning...no matter what kind of light he is sitting in..thanks for sharing:)

  11. These are lovely photos and the sweet little Junco and Chickadee are favourites of mine too.

    I am off posting this week as I am spending a few days in Montreal, but should be back to a regular routine when I return home next week.

  12. Thanks Ruth for all your nice comments! I always enjoy your blog when I get a chance to look. Unfortunately...I don't get much time to take photo's or upload mine and enjoy others like I use to. Can't wait for retirement;-) haha

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  13. Very nice - love that shiny green head!

  14. Beautiful pictures, Ruth. The Dark-eyed Junco is a very nice little bird and one of my favourites.
    I love your colourful header picture, too.
