Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Enjoy the Beauty

Raindrops on the window. Autumn Joy Sedum Partial Albino House Sparrow
Our view all day Sunday,on the road to Stonewall,Manitoba
Spending time with family was worth it.
Hosta reflection in our pool.
Take a walk with Jake and me in a small
valley west of Morden.
The colors were so lovely.
Ground level view of some small Oak Seedlings.
The creek was running,due to the recent rains.
Goldenrod seedhead
More color
Have you thanked God today?


  1. Such a pretty series... the sparrow is delightful!

  2. Beautiful...

    and the top one through the window in the rain, so pretty.

  3. Ruth, what a lovely photo essay.You have so generously shared the wonders of your life with us. To see and thank God for the little thins, the streaming window pane wih so much colour, the glorious autumn colous, the grey, wet day and the rushing water. An inspiring post.

  4. Gorgeous photos and a wonderful reminder to thank God! What a strange little sparrow! I've never seen a part albino one before.

  5. Thanks for bringing us through your day! A wonderful way and reminder to thank God for all his blessings.

  6. Wonderful photography, Ruth! The autumn reds are gorgeous - we don't get as many of the red colours here, mostly golds. Fantastic capture of the partial Albino Sparrow! Yes, I'm grateful for every day.

  7. Gorgeous pictures Ruth. I've never seen a partial Albino sparrow.
    Isn't Fall a gorgeous time of the year. The colors actually change almost daily.

  8. I love these pictures, Ruth; especially the rain on the window with the muted color glowing through. ...and the creek somehow looks sugary to me. Very nice.

  9. What a wonderful series of autumn photos. I love the albino sparrow and the raindrops on glass the best. It's so nice to see the autumn foliage too!

  10. Interesting pictures! Like others who have visited, I like the window raindrops and the sparrow.

  11. I really love the through the window shot! Very creative! Like your sparrow, we recently had a partially albinistic/leucistic chickadee around here.

  12. Amazing pictures, Ruth... Your autumn colors are fabulous. Ours here in Tennessee aren't nearly as vivid yet.. Thanks for sharing!!!

  13. Thank you for your sweet comment over at Laced with Grace yesterday. What a blessing that you have Marge as your Elizabeth!

    Your blog is lovely, the pictures are gorgeous. What a gift you have!

    Blessings, Joanne

  14. Oooo, the first and last shots are my favourite!! I love the focused raindrops with the beautiful florals in the fuzzy background!

  15. Loved your walk and all the fun pictures! What a neat find to get that albino sparrow, too. The best part is that you worship the Creator and not His creation...great example!

  16. This is a beautiful series. Hard to pick a favorite.
