Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Petals and Poses

Springtime flowers add so much beauty to our world. I think they are some of the prettiest, maybe because of waiting all winter to see color and texture, other than snow. Now,I do love snow and for the most part love winter, but I do miss the pretty colors of flowers such as these.

Bleeding Hearts always remind me of an Auntie of mine. She had some of the most luxuriant Bleeding Heart plants and, as I recall, they got no special attention.
These were photographed at the English Gardens in Winnipeg.

I don't have a name for these pretty flowers, but I just love the gentle softness of this picture.

The Yellow Lady's Slipper is a wild flower which grows in some areas around here.I love seeing them every spring and always remind myself and others that they are also a protected species. What this means is, enjoy them where they are, get all the pictures you want and leave them for others to enjoy as well.

And now for the 'poses' part of this post. It is not often that a Mallard will allow you to get so close to it. This was also in the English Gardens and this male Mallard was not about to be disturbed by anyone.

He is so handsome.I also love the look of the water in this shot.

 Something To Think About:
You are beautiful just the way God made you.

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