Sunday, June 30, 2019

Random Treasures

It seems that I just barely posted my last post for may and here we are at the end of June.
For me the end of June means that it is the start of a two month holiday, away from school bus driving.

I have a few random images to share.
I bought a tray of small pansies early in spring and they are busy doing what Pansies do best.they are blooming profusely.

A light shower means that there are water droplets on the leaves. 
Little beads of beauty, glistening in the sunlight.

The setting sun is decorated with a few wispy clouds, adding some more interest to the scene.

As the sun slowly slips lower in the sky, it is partially hidden behind a nearby tree.

Finally, a golden path across the water. The ripples created by a passing boat add some interest.

Something To Think About:
A fiery sunset, tiny pansies by the wayside, the sound of raindrops tapping on the roof —
What extraordinary delight to share these simple wonders with a friend!
With wide eyes and full hearts , we come to cherish what others have missed.

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