Saturday, October 6, 2018

A Sunday Afternoon Drive

The other day I invited you to join me on a walk, today,I would love for you join  me as we take a slow drive through the countryside, looking for beauty.

I will take you to an area northwest of Morden. It
 is known by many names, but Snow Valley is one of them.The small hamlet of St.Lupicien is also in this area.

The road winds in among the trees and into a valley.
These pictures were all taken on September 2,2018.It is still in the early stages of fall, but already we see some color.

I have been down this road often, yet each time,I see new beauty.

We pull to the side of the road to admire the colors of autumn on the trees.

Once more we pull to the side and capture the beauty of a few bright red Sumac leaves.

This is not a place to go fast, because a few car lengths down the road and once again, we have to stop to enjoy these flowers. I believe these are called False Sunflower.

As we make our way through this scenic drive, we have to stop again to capture this moment.I am sure we are seeing the close-up beauty of this place better than those who are in that airplane overhead.

While we are stopped, we take a closer look at the hillside on the right of the road.

Some trees along the way are covered in gorgeous shades of golden yellow. We have to savour the moments,because at this stage the leaves can fall to the ground rather quickly with any strong wind or even a rain.

We leave the valley and trees behind and begin our drive back toward Morden. Oh wait,we need to take a slight detour and look at the wind turbines at St.Leon,Manitoba.

To me these look like gentle giants.When we stop the car, we can hear a soft whooshing sound as the huge blades slice through the air.

Well friends,I think it is almost time to make our way back to Morden.Maybe a light meal and a cup of coffee would be in order.I have enjoyed your company. 
Hope you come back soon. 

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