Sunday, September 28, 2014

Flying High!

You all know about my love of birds,so this picture comes as no surprise.
The Turkey Vulture does not have a beautiful face,but watch it in flight and all you can see is grace and beauty.

Of course I cannot help but get a picture of a plane going overhead.This one came by close to sunset and it made for a nice shot.

I was out of town,waiting for the sun to set,when I received a text from my son,Steve,with a short video clip of a power chute taking off. He has a friend who owns one of these machines,so I was not surprised to see this.A moment later I got another text from Steve,saying that Kai was on the chute.Suddenly I was very surprised and interested.I could hear the chute but could not see it for a while.A moment later this is what I saw just to the east of me.

Joey,the owner/operator of this machine swung on by me and came towards me,with the orange glow of the setting sun behind him.I was thrilled to get this picture.

Kai had pointed out my car on the road and they made a close pass,so close I could hear him telling Kai to wave to Grandma.This picture is not cropped,but I did use my telephoto lens on it.

I am so proud of that young lady. Almost I stayed home that evening,but now I am so glad that I went out and to just the right place to get these pictures.
 Oh,yes,I did get some pretty nice sunset pictures as well,but they are for another post.

Friday, September 26, 2014

A Walk Along the Lake Trail

On a sunny Saturday,I had the pleasure of walking along our lake trail with Steve and Kai.
I can't say that we saw any spectacular sights along the way,but the joy of walking with my family made it a great day.

This trail is also used by mountain bikers and so is kept in fairly good shape.At a spot that can often be muddy,they have placed these old railroad ties,to make it easier to walk or bike there.

We all know that Steve is a fantastic photographer  and I try to get some good shots as well,but did you know that Kai is also a photographer? We stopped at this spot and she asked if she could use my camera to take a picture.This is one of the pictures she took.It is one that I would have likely taken as well,but now didn't need to.I love that girl's creative eye.

These two people were not aware that they were being photographed,but they sure added to this picture.It is a very peaceful scene.

Of course I have to get pictures of the people as well.Steve is getting ready to take the next picture.

My sweet Kai,posing for her Daddy. For a girl who mostly doesn't want her picture taken,she sure is photogenic when she wants to be.

It isn't the great big pleasures that count the most;
it's making a great deal out of the little ones.
Jean Webster.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Here a Frog,There a Frog,Everywhere a Frog

All pictures are taken at the English Gardens in Winnipeg.
This year the frogs seem to be abundant and the water lilies beautiful.
I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

 Just a Thought:
Dear Lord,thank-you for the weather that we're experiencing today,whether fair or foul.
Your word says ,"In everything give thanks",1 Thessalonians 5:18,
so that's just what I'll do.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


I have been enjoying the red Geraniums sitting on my deck.It seems that the flowers I have right close to the door are the ones I notice most.
Not only are the small flowers pretty,but the little buds show so much detail.

Call me strange,but i take delight in seeing all those tiny details and so I have to share them.

The next three pictures were taken at The English Gardens.
I think this is a flower in the same family as the Purple Coneflower.Its unique shape caught my attention.

The White Coneflower is pretty as well,although not as bright as many other flowers.

Dahlias of all colours and sizes are seen at the Gardens.All are beautiful to me.

A quote from Charles Swindoll
Not many really creative people - in the the process of creating - keep everything neat,picked up and in its place.

There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under heaven….
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them.
Ecclesiates 3:1+5

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Minniwasta Golf and Country Club

I want to start this post by saying,I am NOT a golfer and really have no desire to become one,but,I can see beauty even at the golf course.

We have a beautiful restaurant at the local golf course,and someday I must get some pictures of it.It's an amazing building. I went to this restaurant recently to meet some friends for breakfast.I was a little early,so I had some time to do what I enjoy doing,getting pictures.
The first sight that greeted me was this beautiful Hydrangea. The morning sun on it was so pretty.

Beside the Hydrangea was this small shrub with pink flowers. I think this may be a Spirea.Whatever the name,it sure showed a delicate beauty.

Looking over the plants,I saw the golf course.I don't know much about golf courses,but have seen some big name ones on TV from time to time and I think this one located right here in my home town of Morden,is as lovely as many I've seen.It is an eighteen hole course and I have heard good reviews about it.

This little pond looks like it might attract birds.I would love to wander around here,looking for pictures.

Just a little farther out is this pond and fountain. I can imagine the pictures I could get,if I were to walk on the course. I know they don't want people wandering around on a golf course and distracting the golfers,so I stay on the parking lot. :(

The views from the restaurant,both inside and on the patio would be similar to what I have shown.
I may have to find a golfer friend who I can tag along with,just to take pictures.

I do know that I do not have to travel far to find beauty,and the same would be true for most people.
Open your eyes to see the beauty right before you.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Visit To The Lake

Come with me to a lake located just west of the city of Morden. This is not a super large lake,but big enough to supply us with water all year round. It is also a recreational place.There is a  beach for those who want to swim,(not my thing to do).Many people like to use the lake for boating and water skiing and further toward the back of the lake the canoe enthusiasts have a quieter spot for that.
Having said all that,I visit the lake to find beauty along the trial which circles the lake.

On a recent visit,I had to get a picture of the sun's path across the water.

A few wildflowers were growing along the side of the path.The warmth of the sunshine made them look so pretty.

Of course,I am not satisfied to get just the traditional pictures. I have to see what the flower looks like from the back side.I think it is still quite lovely,even from this angle.

At the side of the road,leading down to the lake,I found these tiny flowers.The light was not perfect,but the end result was good enough for me.

 Many of you have seen a similar picture of mine on Facebook,but I had to share this here as well. I was heading back to my car,looking down where I was walking,so as not to trip and fall,when I looked up this greeted my eyes. I quickly and quietly snapped a few pictures.

This verse encouraged me today,I hope it does the same for you.
This is Jesus speaking:
"Be sure of this: I am with you always,even to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:20 (NLT)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Heavenly Sunshine

    Today I share a series of sunlight pictures with you.The sun is up in the sky and we rarely think about it as being beautiful.The sun itself may be too bright to be considered beautiful,but the light it casts on the earth creates lovely sights.


 A few mornings ago,I was ready to leave the house to go to work,but I had to take a minute to capture this scene.When I opened my door,which faces to the east,I stopped in my tracks,hurried back to get my camera and fired this shot.
Oh,how I love seeing those sunbeams streaking through the sky.

This picture was actually taken during the day,but in order to get a starburst effect I had to turn the f-stops way down.It is not a perfect picture,but I like it,so it ends up on my blog.

Another morning,this was the sight that greeted me when I looked out my door.I love that golden light of morning,as it casts long shadows on my yard.

I have spent more time recently,playing with the Aperture on my camera.This picture is more pleasing than one that is so dark and I still got the starburst effect of the sun. Yes,I also have lots of flares on the picture,but once again,I kind of like the effect they add to this shot.

Watching the sky is sure to result in some good pictures.All of the pictures in this post were taken right on my yard,proving that one does not have to travel far to find beauty.

But friendship is precious,not only in the shade,but in the sunshine of life,and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
Thomas Jefferson.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

All About Hummingbirds

The Hummingbird is a bird which most everyone likes.I have seen people put up Hummingbird feeders who would never consider feeding any other birds.
Like many photographers,I am always looking for that one perfect Hummingbird shot.I am convinced that that will likely never happen,but I will keep on trying and enjoying the ones I do get.

All of the following pictures were taken while sitting comfortably on my deck.
That long awaited moment finally came,when one of these flying jewels came to the flowers,instead of to the feeder. By the way,these are pictures of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird,the only species regularly seen here in Manitoba.This is likely an immature,or a female.

I had to be quick to catch this one at another flower head.
These birds are so small,only about 3-5 in.long and weigh in at a hefty 0.1 oz. 

I fired a series of shots as the bird was at the feeder. I really like the different angles of the wings.

In flight they beat their wings up to 75 beats per second. No wonder the camera has a hard time picking up the wings.

The wingspan is about 4.25 - 4.5 inches.The marvel of these tiny birds is that although they nest in southern Manitoba and the southern parts of Canada,they winter in southern Mexico and even into Central America.

We cannot doubt the hand of God the Creator in the design of the          remarkable hummingbirds. Truly they are ‘God’s tiny miracle.

Friday, September 5, 2014


I invite you to come with me as we take a walk through the English Gardens in Winnipeg.
I know I have shown many pictures from this place,but so often they feature only a close-up of a flower or maybe a bird. Today we will walk down the paths and take in the bigger picture of these gardens.
Once again,I will allow you to enjoy the scenes with my interruptions and words.

Happy the soul that has been awed by a view of God’s majesty.