Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Visit To The Lake

Come with me to a lake located just west of the city of Morden. This is not a super large lake,but big enough to supply us with water all year round. It is also a recreational place.There is a  beach for those who want to swim,(not my thing to do).Many people like to use the lake for boating and water skiing and further toward the back of the lake the canoe enthusiasts have a quieter spot for that.
Having said all that,I visit the lake to find beauty along the trial which circles the lake.

On a recent visit,I had to get a picture of the sun's path across the water.

A few wildflowers were growing along the side of the path.The warmth of the sunshine made them look so pretty.

Of course,I am not satisfied to get just the traditional pictures. I have to see what the flower looks like from the back side.I think it is still quite lovely,even from this angle.

At the side of the road,leading down to the lake,I found these tiny flowers.The light was not perfect,but the end result was good enough for me.

 Many of you have seen a similar picture of mine on Facebook,but I had to share this here as well. I was heading back to my car,looking down where I was walking,so as not to trip and fall,when I looked up this greeted my eyes. I quickly and quietly snapped a few pictures.

This verse encouraged me today,I hope it does the same for you.
This is Jesus speaking:
"Be sure of this: I am with you always,even to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:20 (NLT)

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