Sunday, September 7, 2014

All About Hummingbirds

The Hummingbird is a bird which most everyone likes.I have seen people put up Hummingbird feeders who would never consider feeding any other birds.
Like many photographers,I am always looking for that one perfect Hummingbird shot.I am convinced that that will likely never happen,but I will keep on trying and enjoying the ones I do get.

All of the following pictures were taken while sitting comfortably on my deck.
That long awaited moment finally came,when one of these flying jewels came to the flowers,instead of to the feeder. By the way,these are pictures of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird,the only species regularly seen here in Manitoba.This is likely an immature,or a female.

I had to be quick to catch this one at another flower head.
These birds are so small,only about 3-5 in.long and weigh in at a hefty 0.1 oz. 

I fired a series of shots as the bird was at the feeder. I really like the different angles of the wings.

In flight they beat their wings up to 75 beats per second. No wonder the camera has a hard time picking up the wings.

The wingspan is about 4.25 - 4.5 inches.The marvel of these tiny birds is that although they nest in southern Manitoba and the southern parts of Canada,they winter in southern Mexico and even into Central America.

We cannot doubt the hand of God the Creator in the design of the          remarkable hummingbirds. Truly they are ‘God’s tiny miracle.

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