With all the very cold weather we have had,I have not been out much to get pictures.
What I have today were all taken through the windows and not really clean windows at that.
During the winter months the regular birds seen at my feeders are Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers,Black-capped Chickadees,Red-Breasted and White-breasted Nuthatches and the Blue Jays
Here is a female Downy Woodpecker clinging to the tree.I am sure she is waiting for her turn at the feeder. This picture was taken with the Canon 7D and the 100-400mm lens.
Another regular visitor is the small Red-breasted Nuthatch.This was taken on a very cold day and the birds would come to eat and then just sit and try to get warm. I have suet in the feeder,but on these cold days I put peanut butter out there as well. The peanut butter freezes quickly,so they get small pieces at a time.The next three pictures were taken with the Canon SX50.
Here is a male Downy Woodpecker.You can see that it is a snowy day.I feel sorry for the birds in winter,but there is only so much I can do for them.
The female Hairy woodpecker comes to the feeder as well.The Hairy is much more cautious and will fly away at the slightest movement.This is obviously taken the same day as the previous picture.Notice the longer bill on this bird,a sure way to identify this one.
On Christmas day my sister was over and we were watching a video,but I kept noticing some birds in the evergreens.When I got my camera and telephoto lens,I realized that we had a few Robins paying us a visit.I have to wonder what they find to eat,because the worms are all buried under a foot of snow or more.This is a very poor image,but at least it proves that I saw the Robin.
Verse for Today:
Look at the birds of the air;they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26
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