Right about this time of year I get a longing for spring.I know,I know,there is still beauty around in winter and in a few days I will show you some of my recent finds,but I still wait for the that time when the landscape will again be filled with colour.
Now here is where being a photographer comes in handy.
I get to see colour,birds and flowers all year long.All I need to do is sit down in front of my computer and browse through the many spring and summer images I have.
Allow me share a few with you.I hope they brighten your day as they did mine.
Pray tell,what says spring better than the Lilac? I grew up on a yard which had a long row of Lilacs on the east side.In spring this hedge was covered with Lilac blossoms a little darker than these.
The fragrance on our yard was amazing.
This picture is of the Lilacs on my yard now,still pretty,but I would love to have the darker ones of my childhood.
Another yearly treat is the apple tree covered in these delicate and fragrant blooms.
I love the soft blush of pink on these flowers and buds.The flowers hold the promise of tasty apples later in the year.
Ahh,yes! The Dandelion.You most likely don't consider this a desired flower,but when a bouquet of these are presented in the grubby little hand of a child,they are priceless.
I have received so many Dandelion bouquets,first from my son,now from my granddaughter and throughout the years from the young children riding my bus.Each bouquet is a treasure,given with love and from the heart.Upon closer inspection,the Dandelion is a very pretty flower.Now if only someone would cultivate a Dandelion which doesn't spread,we might all want them in our gardens.
Let me just say here,I have some of the best friends.
Friends of mine moved to a new place,and as she was showing me around we came upon this plant.
This is a Fern Leaf Peony,a plant I have long wanted,but was not willing to pay the price.They are quite expensive.I expressed my delight in this plant and a few weeks later,my friend arrived at my house with none other but her plant,which she had dug up for me.I was blown away by her kindness.
Each flower does not last for very long and so I don't have a good picture of an open flower.I will need to do something about that this coming spring.
From the vibrance of the Peony bud to the gentle pink of a Moss Rose,or Portulaca.
I guess I had never really paid close attention to the individual flowers,but found that this one looked very much like a small rose. I think the colour in this particular flower is about the sweetest I have seen.
I trust that your day has been brightened by these flowers and before we know it we can see them growing outside again.
Thought for Today:
Father in heaven,the world full of flora and fauna is full intentional design and purpose,constantly testifying that You,the all-wise,all-powerful God created them.
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