Wednesday, January 29, 2014

More Phone Shots

I will do my post backwards today,starting with the 
Thought for Today:
I am sending this out to all my Blogging and Facebook friends.

Since the phone is always with me,I tend to take some unusual shots with it.
While slicing a lemon,I had the idea that the slices would make a pretty picture.

Add a whole lemon and behold,another picture.The colour of the lemon looks as refreshing as a glass of cold water with a slice of lemon added.

There are a multitude of Apps available for the iPhone,and perhaps for others as well.
I cannot remember which App I used for this sparkle effect,but I think it fits the scene quite well.

An App which I have used more often is this one.It is called, Water My Photo,and it's free.
Once again it may be kind of useless,but it's fun and it's free.

Here is another picture done with the same App.

I am not advertising on behalf of these Apps,but am only sharing what I am using.
I do take my photography seriously,but I also like having fun with some of the pictures.
Thanks for allowing me to share these.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

iPhone Pictures

Well,here goes.I scrolled through ALL the pictures on my phone and found there were some decent shots there. So,what am I to do? It is easier for me to do a blog post from my computer than from the phone,so all those pictures have been loaded to my computer. Like it or not,you will be seeing posts using these pictures,from time to time.
Let me say,they are in no particular order,some have been taken several years ago and some are very recent.

Last summer I found myself at St. Vital Park in Winnipeg,without my camera.This is almost unheard of,but it happened.Thankfully my phone is always with me,and they say the best camera to use is the one you have with you.
The flower bed area is nicely groomed and a pleasure to walk through.

I thought this white Cosmos was exceptionally pretty,sitting among the delicate green foliage.

Here is another shot of the flower beds.It was quite hot,but the dappled shade of the trees made for a pleasant walk.

Not only were there white Cosmos,this cute bouquet caught my attention.
The Cosmos is a simple flower,yet it is so pretty.

When there are tall trees,I must walk right up to one,point my camera,or as in this case,my phone,straight up the trunk and snap.I like how this shows the tallness of the tree.

My son,Steve,sent this to me one day and I like it,so I'm using it as my verse for today.
I do not know where he got it from,so I can not post any credits.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snow Sculptures

Winter is long where I live and sometimes I get tired of it.I don't want to be one who complains about the weather,because it is not controlled by humans.I have a nice warm home to relax in and even on the coldest days,I have warm clothes to wear.Why am I saying all this? It is time to see the beauty which is all around us in winter.

On a drive out of town,I found a lot of beauty and all I had to do was take the time to look.
This is a place I often go to look for birds in spring and summer.No birds on this day,but a quiet beauty of snow and trees.

The world is filled with all kinds of sculptures,some very intricate and costly.I also found some sculptures and yes,they were intricate,but the best part,they were free.
The wind has turned the snow in the ditch into unique carved designs.

I noticed a very special sculpture and had to take the time to capture it.
Look at this.Isn't that just the best?
The sunshine created deep blue shadows at every ridge.

At another spot,I noticed this set of protruding designs in a larger drift.
What causes these designs? I don't have an answer,except to say that God directs the wind and the wind is a powerful force.

Snow sculptures and last years grass line all the ditches and fields.

Sometimes it seems like winter will last forever but take a look at the
Verse for Today:
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
Genesis 8:22

Saturday, January 18, 2014


I feel very honoured and at the same time humbled,to think that some of my photos were published.
A new publication has come out,documenting notable birding sites situated both in Manitoba and in North Dakota. More information is available at the following link,International Adventure Trail
Several pictures which I had submitted have been used in the booklet and today I will share those images here.

The male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is a colourful bird and seen every spring,drilling little holes into the trees and waiting for sap to collect in them.
This picture was also used on a set of notecards put out by the same organization.

One of my spring favourites is the Red-tailed Hawk.
We see many of them each year but they still are a joy to see,especially when they fly though a bright blue sky like this.

Seeing a Yellow-headed Blackbird clinging to the reeds is a thrill.Some of the marshes in this area have large flocks of these birds.To hear their song is a unique experience,because to me it sounds like rusty hinges in need of some oil.

The Bobolink on the other hand has a very musical song,which it performs over and over again during courtship.Some people have referred to these birds as Skunk Birds and I can see why.

When the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks arrive,we are in for a treat. Not only is the male a very attractive bird,but they also have a most beautiful song.Someone has said that it sounds like a Robin who has had voice lessons.

Last,but certainly not least,is the Bald Eagle.Seeing this bird in flight is sure to bring a smile.Those huge wings carry the Eagle effortlessly through the air.
This was another picture used for notecards.

I am looking forward to spring,when I will be able to get out into some of the areas described in this booklet and find more birds to photograph.
It is an honour to share these pictures with the birding community and now with my blogging friends as well.

Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

WARNING: Icy Conditions Ahead

If you do not want to see any more frost pictures,now is the time to turn away from this blog.

Let's ease into this gently.The first picture is a typical scene in the hour or so just after sunrise.
I love seeing the golden light of the early morning as it streams through the trees and warms up the snow.The temperatures may be cold,but a scene like this warms my heart.

OK,you were warned,so here we go.
Just what am I to do? The ground is covered with snow and it is mostly cold outside,but I have a need to take pictures.It never ceases to amaze me how the frost forms so many delicate shapes on my windows.

Yet another set of intricate patterns.The dappled light of the sunshine through the trees makes a nice background.

Feathers and swirls all appear like magic overnight.I know it's not magic,but rather the finger of God painting these designs for my enjoyment.

Tiny diamonds in a multitude of colours add to the beauty of this frosty piece.
I know I have far too many of these pictures but I love the variety and will likely be taking more when the opportunity presents itself.

Verse for today: 
 By the breath of God ice is given,
 and the broad waters are frozen fast.
Job 37:10 
English Standard Version

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dreaming / Longing…….

Right about this time of year I get a longing for spring.I know,I know,there is still beauty around in winter and in a few days I will show you some of my recent finds,but I still wait for the that time when the landscape will again be filled with colour.
Now here is where being a photographer comes in handy.
I get to see colour,birds and flowers all year long.All I need to do is sit down in front of my computer and browse through the many spring and summer images I have.
Allow me share a few with you.I hope they brighten your day as they did mine.

Pray tell,what says spring better than the Lilac? I grew up on a yard which had a long row of Lilacs on the east side.In spring this hedge was covered with Lilac blossoms a little darker than these.
The fragrance on our yard was amazing.
This picture is of the Lilacs on my yard now,still pretty,but I would love to have the darker ones of my childhood.

Another yearly treat is the apple tree covered in these delicate and fragrant blooms.
I love the soft blush of pink on these flowers and buds.The flowers hold the promise of tasty apples later in the year.

Ahh,yes! The Dandelion.You most likely don't consider this a desired flower,but when a bouquet of these are presented in the grubby little hand of a child,they are priceless.
I have received so many Dandelion bouquets,first from my son,now from my granddaughter and throughout the years from the young children riding my bus.Each bouquet is a treasure,given with love and from the heart.Upon closer inspection,the Dandelion is a very pretty flower.Now if only someone would cultivate a Dandelion which doesn't spread,we might all want them in our gardens.

Let me just say here,I have some of the best friends.
Friends of mine moved to a new place,and as she was showing me around we came upon this plant.
This is a Fern Leaf Peony,a plant I have long wanted,but was not willing to pay the price.They are quite expensive.I expressed my delight in this plant and a few weeks later,my friend arrived at my house with none other but her plant,which she had dug up for me.I was blown away by her kindness.
Each flower does not last for very long and so I don't have a good picture of an open flower.I will need to do something about that this coming spring.

From the vibrance of the Peony bud to the gentle pink of a Moss Rose,or Portulaca.
I guess I had never really paid close attention to the individual flowers,but found that this one looked very much like  a small rose. I think the colour in this particular flower is about the sweetest I have seen.

I trust that your day has been brightened by these flowers and before we know it we can see them growing outside again.

Thought for Today:
Father in heaven,the world full of flora and fauna is full intentional design and purpose,constantly testifying that You,the all-wise,all-powerful God created them.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Winter Birds

With all the very cold weather we have had,I have not been out much to get pictures.
What I have today were  all taken through the windows and not really clean windows at that.

During the winter months the regular birds seen at my feeders are Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers,Black-capped Chickadees,Red-Breasted and White-breasted Nuthatches and the Blue Jays

Here is a female Downy Woodpecker clinging to the tree.I am sure she is waiting for her turn at the feeder. This picture was taken with the Canon 7D and the 100-400mm lens.

 Another regular visitor is the small Red-breasted Nuthatch.This was taken on a very cold day and the birds would come to eat and then just sit and try to get warm. I have suet in the feeder,but on these cold days I put peanut butter out there as well. The peanut butter freezes quickly,so they get small pieces at a time.The next three pictures were taken with the Canon SX50.

Here is a male Downy Woodpecker.You can see that it is a snowy day.I feel sorry for the birds in winter,but there is only so much I can do for them.

The female Hairy woodpecker comes to the feeder as well.The Hairy is much more cautious and will fly away at the slightest movement.This is obviously taken the same day as the previous picture.Notice the longer bill on this bird,a sure way to identify this one.

On Christmas day my sister was over and we were watching a video,but I kept noticing some birds in the evergreens.When I got my camera and telephoto lens,I realized that we had a few Robins paying us a visit.I have to wonder what they find to eat,because the worms are all buried under a foot of snow or more.This is a very poor image,but at least it proves that I saw the Robin.

Verse for Today:
Look at the birds of the air;they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Frost,Flowers and Memories

My first post of 2014 has a variety of images.

I am hoping you are not getting tired of the frost in my windows.
I see it daily and am still enthralled with the variety of patterns in the frost,together with the different colours in the background.
I like this view because there is nothing but blue sky in the background.

In August of 1970 when a young man by the name of Jake Hiebert drove onto my parents yard to pick me up for our first date,he arrived in a car like this.That was the start of a beautiful time together with the love of my life,a time that ended all too soon.
The 1963 Chevy Impala SS was a car which Jake took great pride in.Unfortunately,like all vehicles it got old and had to be traded off.This is a exact replica model built for me by Jake's brother.It is now my prized possession.

My second Amaryllis is now blooming.I wanted to show the stamens,but I also like the shadows they created.

Here is a better picture of the flowers.I don't think it could be any redder.The flower stalks are almost 2 feet tall,so it makes quite a statement.

One of the scenes I don't get tired of,is seeing the morning sun through the trees
It makes me happy to see this and then add to that one of five crystals hanging in my window,which later in the day give me MANY dancing rainbows in the room.
I don't need a lot of fancy things to make me happy.

Verse for Today:
Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack!
Psalm 34:9

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Another year has come and gone and we stand at the beginning of a brand new year.
What will this year hold? we do not know and I am thankful of that.

All the pictures today are from early in 2013,as I have not taken any yet in this year.
This is an early morning scene on my yard and it reminds me of the beginning of a new year.
Bright with promise.

Each day is different and some will no doubt be filled with the storms of life.
One thing we can be certain about and that is that even during the storms,God is always right there with us.

The wind shapers the snow in an endless variety of shapes.
So too each of us are unique,yet beautiful in God's eyes.May you be reminded of this daily.

Intricate frost patterns decorate my windows in winter. I am grateful for these,because what else would I have to photograph,if this was not present.

More frost and more beauty.
May you see beauty all around you this year.
Take time to stop and enjoy each moment and allow the beauty of God's creation bring new joy to your heart.

Verse for today:
With God are wisdom and might;
He has counsel and understanding.
Job 12:13