Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beauty All Around

Today's post features beauty in a variety of forms.
I trust you will enjoy these scenes as much as I did when I captured them.

Those of you who read this blog regularly know that I love visiting the A Rocha site nestled at the edge of the Pembina Valley. On a recent Saturday I had the pleasure of going there again. This time I was accompanied by my granddaughter Kai and her Mom Anita.
We spent a few delightful hours on site,enjoying the beauty of creation.
Getting a picture of Kai is not easy.She may have been in front of her Daddy's camera once too often. I did manage this quick shot while she was busy checking out the outdoor pizza oven.
I have been told that pizza out of this oven is perfect in every way. I hope they prove that to me some day. LOL

Kai was thrilled to see a batch of baby kittens.She couldn't wait for me to see them and insisted that I take a picture of them,so here they are.They were only a few days old.

 This Grandma was more interested in seeing all the beautiful flowers.Don't get me wrong,I love animals and baby kitties are very cute.
These yellow flowers brighten up the gardens at A Rocha.

Here is a sight that brought a smile to my face. The combination of colours is pleasing and I like that one lone pink Poppy standing tall among the other flowers.

I had to get a picture of just the Poppy. Isn't it a pretty little flower.
Delicate yet bright. Those papery petals are charming and for me,a lover of pink,so is the colour.

Purple Bee Balm and the ever present yellow flowers,for which I don't have a name.
I guess I just don't worry about the correct name,but rather enjoy the beauty I see.

I wish I could take all of you with me to A Rocha. Perhaps we could have a pizza party there.
Until that happens,I can at least share my pictures with you.

Thought for today:
Direct my footsteps according to Your Word.
Psalm 119:133

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