Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black-capped Chickadee

On November 28,I together with my co-workers and others,attended a morning
meeting featuring a motivational speaker. Among his many topics,he asked us to think of an animal which might in some way represent us. As a school bus driver of 29 years,I could have been many different animals over the years.
Later in a conversation with my supervisor,he wondered if there might be a bird
which could represent me
I have given this some thought and I do know which bird I would like to be like.
The Black-capped Chickadee.
The Chickadee is not very colorful, fairly common,yet always welcome.
What I like most about the Chickadee is that no matter what the
circumstances or the weather they always seem cheerful
Boy,do I have a lot o learn to be like that.


  1. Ruth dear, you and me both!
    Wouldn't it be great to ALWAYS be cheerful?
    When i was very small, my father called me his little Chickadee. I have loved the little bird ever since. When I was four, the Russianss took him away to a gulag, but that's another story.
    Great photos of the little birdies.

  2. Hi Ruth. Another characteristic of the chickadee seems to be their endless energy. I wish I had half of their energy, and half of their cheerfulness! ;o)

  3. Such wonderful photos of this little bird Ruth, and like you said he is always welcome, always friendly and never argues with any other birds.. As a school bus driver I commend you on your patients, because I could not do what you do, and keep my sanity. LOL For 29 years is an amazing feat. The kids must love you!

  4. What a cheerful choice :-) I'm sure you would be a very cute and happy chickadee. The photos are lovely as always. I like the first one and the one singing on the rocks!

  5. Ruth, Great choice. I think as a school bus driver of 20+ yrs your choice of the chickadee is perfect. Anyone who works with kids for that long, has to have a lot of patience, is kind and most likely is pretty cheerful no matter what the circumstances are...Love the next to last pic..always looking back to make sure all.. is as it should be! I always admired those that drive those buses.. I taught public school for 35 yrs!:)

  6. OH I LOVE these birds!! Great shots!!

  7. They do always seem cheerful don't they Ruth. Being one of those little guys wouldn't be a bad thing :-)

  8. I love your chickadee photos. One of my many favorite birds. They are so curious--always the first to find a new feeder in my garden.

  9. Don't we all! You got lots of good photos to show what you want to be like.

  10. Very nice photo's and story Ruth. Always a joy to hear from you and Jake. What bird did jake want to be??? LOL


  11. I loved that you picked the chickadee - someone who is never down, not afraid to try new things (especially new feeders) and just a friendly little thing - probably like you! :-)

  12. Beautiful post featuring one of the sweetest birds - they always make me smile!

  13. I just love the little chickadees that come to our feeders. They are brave enough to eat from my hand! Always a cheerful "Dee Dee Dee" greets me when I see them out the window. They are beginning to come now when I "pish" for them. It doesn't seem to bother them when the bigger birds like the Jays are there; they pick up their seeds when the squirrels and chipmunks are at the feeder and even the wild turkeys don't deter them. They are really quite feisty little birds ~ a perfect match for you I think! I have a Dee-lightful day!

  14. You are right the chickadee seems to be always happy, singing his little song. I love the shot on the rocks with his mouth open to song. Great series Ruth. Beautiful shots. I think it honorable to be like a little chickadee.

  15. I welcome the little black capped chickadee..dee..dee to my feeders as they are always patient...wait for the crowds to finish and then perch on the feeders having the seeds all themselves! They do seem to be happy little spirits!It is cold and grey here but they continue to light up my day!!A nature lover like you! NG

  16. The chickadee is also friendly and welcoming and will come and sit on your head to share the food you offer. The Black-capped Chickadee is often the first species at our feeders in the morning and the last to leave in early evening. It is also the provincial bird of our province and a favourite of mine. Your photos are lovely and you made a good choice.

  17. To all who have left a comment,A GREAT BIG THANK-YOU.As I read these comments I realize that I have so-o-o much more to learn from the Chickadee.With God as my helper I want to become the woman He wants me to be.

  18. Wonderful pictures! We have several chickadees visiting Betsy's feeders. They are always welcome and always appreciated.
