Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Beauty:an act of God

The Pileated Woodpecker is always a thrill to see.
Perhaps because we don't see it very often.
This one was hanging out near the Dairy Queen,
maybe he was waiting for his order.
Jake took this handsome little fellow last winter.
Another one of Jake's pictures. This one is also proudly displayed in our living room. Thanks Steve for seeing the beauty in this. Just to show that we do have White-tailed Deer in our area. This is one that posed for Jake.


  1. Pileated woodpecker at the Dairy Queen,,no wonder I've never seen one, I'm always too busy gulping my ice cream and not looking up! lol. Great pictures, Jake! I esp love pictures with birds sitting on evergreen branches...not sure why. Maybe it's b/c they frame the bird so well and add texture to the pic.? I agree with Lynne, tho, these are all keepers..beautiful!
    ps. thanks for helping id my birds today!!

  2. Love that pileated - feel like it's a miracle now when I get to see one! Also - the greenery and the birds looks so lovely in your photos.

  3. To see a Pileated Woodpecker at the DQ! I could only imagine. Is that a Pine Siskin? I only had them at my feeder briefly last year. Beautiful pictures.

  4. Beautiful post. I also see you changed the top, guess you did so because of winter right around the corner. Your blog has a good appearance.

  5. Beautiful post and lovely photos by Jake. Such adorable little birds!

  6. Beautiful photos. God's creation is always a blessing to see.

  7. How fortunate you are to get a shot of the Pileated. I've only seen them flying overhead. I love your new header. Gorgeous pictures.

  8. Picked this blog up from Dave's bird watching blog.... glad I stopped by! Great photo's and a very pleasent place to visit. I look forward to digging deeper and following your post.

  9. Such pretty and delicate photos... amazing nature pictures. I always enjoy dropping by! =)

  10. Ruthie, I love your bird pictures. What is the bird on your slideshow with the sticky little eyebrows? What a kick! Diane

  11. What fabulous photos! I really like the pileated woodpecker photo and kudos to you for getting that one. They are seldom here and never sit long enough for me to capture with the camera!

  12. Diane,I haven't been called Ruthie for years.How sweet of you. The bird in question is a Female House Finch,having a bad hair day.

  13. Your photos are wonderful! I have never seen I pileated altho I believe I sometimes hear their distinctive call. We have the redbellies, downeys and hairys here. I love having them visit my suet feeders.

  14. All so beautiful but I am mesmerized by the pileated woodpecker. I love them and I don't get them where I live now.

  15. GORGEOUS shots Ruth! I have never been that close to a Pilieated before! Awesome!!

    The shot of the Pine siskin is FABULOUS!!!!

  16. Wow Ruth---I love all of those pictures, especially the pileated... They are such gorgeous birds!!!

  17. Well, I never thought of going to the DQ to see a woodpecker, but I may just have to start trying that! And get a chocolate soda at the same time, too. :-)

  18. Wonderful Pileated shot! I never get good ones. That little pine siskin and the chickadee are great too! We've had a deer stealing apples recently, but always at night when I can't get a photo.
