After a couple of warmer days, the snow began to melt and the creeks began to flow. I look forward to this time of year, even while I know that spring in Manitoba can be very fickle. We may see the waters rising and feel the warmer sunshine, but don't be fooled, winter is not gone just yet.
This was a very welcome sight, because all this water is running into Lake Minniwasta. We needed so desperately to replenish that water supply.
With the running water, come icicles. The light was getting a little low, but I had to capture one shot of this garland of icicles.
Open water at sunset makes for some lovely scenes.
Yes, when this was taken, there was still a lot of ice on the lake, but the promise of better days to come was there as well.
We see melting snow and ice and the other sure sign of spring are the Canada geese that return and fill the air with their calls.
Closing Thought:
Who am I that the highest King would welcome me?
I was lost, but He brought me in
Oh His love for me
Oh His love for me
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