Saturday, April 30, 2022

Good-bye to April

Friends, we are saying Good-bye to the month of April. I know we are all waiting for those warmer spring days, and I am no exception. Unfortunately around here we have not quite put winter behind us, although it will be happening soon.

I still have some 'icy' pictures to share. Let's forget that they look cold and rather focus on the beauty seen in these images.

As the ice melts it can form all sorts of interesting shapes. 

These ice formations were in a pond and of course I had no way of getting any closer.

It looked like paper thin shards of ice sticking up in random forms. Delicate and beautiful.

As the sun was hitting these formations in different ways they changed looks. I was mesmerized by the beauty I was seeing.

Canada geese show up in Southern Manitoba before the ponds and lakes have thawed. I thought they made a pretty picture against the snow.

I have hundreds of Canada Goose photos, but still keep on getting more.In spring their calls are so welcome. It means that spring is on the way, even when it seems to take a long time to show up.

PS: The day I am posting this,Saturday April 30, we have had significant rain and now many streets in my town are closed due to flooding and in some places bridges are washed out. We could be complaining, but I prefer to give thanks for the moisture. The waters will run off and the sun will shine again.

Know this:

My world is brighter and more beautiful because of you.

Thank You.


Monday, April 25, 2022

Signs Of Spring

After a couple of warmer days, the snow began to melt and the creeks began to flow. I look forward to this time of year, even while I know that spring in Manitoba can be very fickle. We may see the waters rising and feel the warmer sunshine, but don't be fooled, winter is not gone just yet.

This was a very welcome sight, because all this water is running into Lake Minniwasta. We needed so desperately to replenish that water supply.

With the running water, come icicles. The light was getting a little low, but I had to capture one shot of this garland of icicles.

Open water at sunset makes for some lovely scenes. 

Yes, when this was taken, there was still a lot of ice on the lake, but the promise of better days to come was there as well.

We see melting snow and ice and the other sure sign of spring are the Canada geese that return and fill the air with their calls.

Closing Thought:

Who am I that the highest King would welcome me?

I was lost, but He brought me in

Oh His love for me

Oh His love for me


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Out and About

We are now just past the midway mark of April, yet where I live, we still have snow. By now, I would love to see green grass, but I also know that no human is in charge of the weather, so we accept what we get and are thankful for the moisture. 

Here are some random shots taken while out and about in southern Manitoba.

I was so focused on capturing this eagle shot that I never noticed the Magpie until I got these pictures on my computer. I like that kind of surprises.

I have mentioned this before, but just west of my hometown, is a herd of Bison. I enjoy watching them. Right now they look great, as they have not yet started losing their winter fur.

While at the Pembina Valley watching the migrating raptors, we were suddenly aware of the louder sound of running water. This had been a trickle beside the road and suddenly became much more forceful. The spring water is obviously very dirty, but the sound was pretty.

Two Bald Eagles were enjoying some found treasure in the field. They were quite far away, but this gives you an idea of what I saw.

Even from a distance, those massive wings show so much power.

Something To Think About:

Every day is a chapter in your Life-Book—

Write something amazing.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Early Spring Scenes

After what seems like a long winter, spring is slowly coming alive in southern Manitoba.

One of the highlights of every spring is the return of the migrating birds. Some of our earliest returnees are the raptors, such as Golden and Bald Eagles.

Below is what I think is an immature Bald Eagle. Correct me if I'm wrong. Seeing these birds soar through the sky is always a thrill.

Another highlight of spring is the melting of snow and thus the running water in ditches and ravines. The sound of spring runoff is music to my ears.

The water does not look particularly clean, and indeed it likely isn't, but it still makes a beautiful sound.

I also like the unique ice formations along the edges of this water. Nature just creates the most attractive artistic display.

I know what this place looks like the rest of the year and I have never had the urge to get a picture here. With the blue sky reflected in this pool of spring water, suddenly this becomes a beautiful shot.


I feel like someone may need this encouragement today:

Do not quit:

Somebody is praying for you and you WILL make it through this.