Wednesday, March 16, 2022

One Last Snowy Post(for now)

Can you stand to see some more snow shots? Fair warning, this post is a snowy one, but it will hopefully be the last of it for this season. 

The following pictures were taken at the end of February, but it is only the last two days that we have begun to see some melting happen.

Someone suggested that these drifts look like whipped cream and now that is what I see.

Yes, this is very far away, but it is perhaps one of the first spring migrants. The Eagles pass through our area first and I love to see them. If you look closely he is being harassed by a Black-billed Magpie.

A closer view of these mounds of whipped cream, or snow as some call it. 

The sun has a lot of work to do to melt all this snow, but it will likely happen rather quickly.

I know I've said it before, but these intricate designs and shapes in the snow fascinate me.

I have enjoyed the snow this winter, even when it made travels more difficult. I look at these images and know that there is a lot of moisture in them, moisture we so badly need.

Trying to see the beauty and being thankful for what I have, these are ongoing disciplines for me.

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