Thursday, March 31, 2022

Amazing God

As we come to the end of another month and step into the month of April, I am sharing a set of photos together with the words of a song that speak to me.

Amazing God!

You want to hear the story of how I made it through,

When life is full of trouble, pain, and fear;

The answer may seem simple: though everything else crumbles,

One thing has remained through all the years.

The God who parted waters still makes a way today,

He's always brought me through the troubled seas.

The One who fed the thousands, whose words could calm the tempest

He's my Bread of Life, and He's my Peace.


I still serve an amazing God,

He's been with me every mile my weary feet have trod;

He still cares, He still hears;

He's still mending broken hearts and drying tears;

This old world is about to change,

But I'm glad I know the One who always stays the same,

And my song will ever be,

Amazing God, You're still amazing me.

Amazing God, You're still amazing me.

Here is the song as sung by Triumphant Quartet


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Waiting for The Spring Arrivals

Yes, the snow in southern Manitoba is slowly disappearing, as it should at this time of year. We do have some spring migrants arriving, but the marshes and lakes are still mostly frozen, so the activity is minimal.

All the photos in this post are from last year, the spring of 2021, but it won't be long till I can share more recent shots, at least I hope so.

Kaleida Marsh is an area not too far away from my home and one I like to visit frequently.There are usually a number of Canada geese around. 

Both the photo above and the one below are here because I liked the reflections.

I will be the first to admit that flight shots are not my strong point, but I sure enjoy trying.
This guy/gal was tired of me and lifted off while I had my lens on him.
You can see the 'landing gear' is still down here.

A moment later the legs were up and he was on his way out of there.

I love all the birds, but seeing a mature Bald Eagle in flight against that blue sky is always a thrill.
These birds are just so majestic. They also have so much power in those large wings.

Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

One Last Snowy Post(for now)

Can you stand to see some more snow shots? Fair warning, this post is a snowy one, but it will hopefully be the last of it for this season. 

The following pictures were taken at the end of February, but it is only the last two days that we have begun to see some melting happen.

Someone suggested that these drifts look like whipped cream and now that is what I see.

Yes, this is very far away, but it is perhaps one of the first spring migrants. The Eagles pass through our area first and I love to see them. If you look closely he is being harassed by a Black-billed Magpie.

A closer view of these mounds of whipped cream, or snow as some call it. 

The sun has a lot of work to do to melt all this snow, but it will likely happen rather quickly.

I know I've said it before, but these intricate designs and shapes in the snow fascinate me.

I have enjoyed the snow this winter, even when it made travels more difficult. I look at these images and know that there is a lot of moisture in them, moisture we so badly need.

Trying to see the beauty and being thankful for what I have, these are ongoing disciplines for me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The View From My Window

The milder temperatures can bring with them all sorts of beauty. 

One day, recently, I noticed the icicles hanging from the roof of my house and saw they were constantly dripping. What was I to do? Of course the answer is simple, get the camera, set it on continuous shooting and see what happens. I should mention that all photos are shot, handheld.

There is always some editing involved,like brightness or color. All the photos in today's post were captured through a triple pane window, so needed to have reflections edited out. This photo has had a small starburst added.

The beauty of shooting in continuous mode is that I have the chance to capture this moment.,

This and the next picture were taken on a different day, so hence the color difference.
During these winter days, when there is little color, opportunities like this are a welcome interlude.

Sometimes after taking a burst of shots and while quickly looking through them, I laugh out loud. This was one of those times. Just look at that thread of water holding the droplet.

One final shot with an added starburst. I still have some icicles hanging from the roof of the house, so although I don't need any more shots like this, I will likely try again. Who knows but that the next picture could be that perfect one.

Some people do more than just light up a room - they light up the hearts of all who are in it.

I trust these simple images have brought light and joy into your day.


Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Incredible Beauty Of Winter

Many of you will not agree with the title of this post, but bear with me for a short while. I will try to help you see the beauty of winter.

Let me just say, that I am waiting for spring as much as anyone, but while we have winter and since I can't change the weather, I will CHOOSE to find beauty.

A friend popped in the other day and asked if I was good with impromptu. Yes, of course, I love that.

Her response was, get your jacket and your camera and let's go. That is just what we did. 

Driving around , we had to be very alert, because of the multiple snowdrifts across or partially across the roads. At one point we decided it was better to get out, get a few pictures and turn around.

Those sharp snowdrifts are beautiful, even more so when I think that each drift is made up of thousands, perhaps millions of the tiniest snowflakes, and together they have the power to stop us in our tracks.

How great is our God!

Some drifts are away from the road, but no less beautiful. The details in these snow sculptures is incredible.

These 'waves' of snow, form in the open field. 

Because I can, I zoomed in on some of these sculptures. In this shot (below) you can see short pieces of road showing through.

Zooming in even more allows us to see the layers and patterns. I find images like this just fascinating.

God’s power and beauty surround us.

He reveals Himself through sunsets,

Rainbows and tiny snowflakes.

God’s creation is a masterpiece and His handiwork is seen everywhere —

From a blade of grass to the planets in outer space.

God created the world for us to enjoy,

And to prove that He exists.

If we want to see God today, we just need to go outdoors and open our eyes.