Thursday, January 23, 2025

Waiting For Spring

While we wait for spring, we may as well enjoy the snow, because it will be here whether or not I enjoy it.

I have mentioned before how I enjoy seeing the sculpted designs created with nothing more than some snowflakes and the wind. Oh yes, The Hand of God is at work as well.

Just look at the crisp lines and defined shapes. I find them beautiful.

Driving along, I noticed the wind and snow at work, creating yet more intricate designs in the snow. For my friends that live in areas that don't get the snow storms, yes, this is blowing snow and yes, it was perfectly safe for me to be out on the road. I have lived in southern Manitoba all my life and choose not to be out when I do not feel safe.

We leave the stormy countryside and head back into my house. The next three photos were captured while standing in my warm home.
The Black-capped Chickadee had just picked up a seed at the feeder and flown to a small Oak tree to consume it.

The Red-breasted Nuthatch and I are quite close to each other, but a pane of glass between us made him feel at ease.

Of all the birds I love, the Chickadee has got to be my favourite.This one is also sitting at the feeder, attached right outside my window. One of the things I love about this bird is that no matter how cold the weather, when I step outside, I can hear their cheery whistle. That is a sound that brings a smile to my face every time.

As I was typing the previous sentence a thought came to me. 
Perhaps I need to be more like the Chickadee. Instead of complaining why not whistle or sing a happy tune. OK, so you don't really want me to sing, but I can carry a song in my heart even during the most unpleasant of times and just maybe it will help to lift someone else up as well.

To God Be The Glory!


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