Monday, February 28, 2022

Be Still

Beauty is not limited to one season or to one time of year. Every day, all around us we can find beauty.

The photos I am sharing today date back to December of 2021. Does that make them any less beautiful? I don't think so. It won't be much longer now and even where I live we hope to see those tiny shoots of new grass poking through the ground. Until that happens, I will be looking for and most likely finding beauty.

The day I captured these shots, I left the house right after breakfast hoping to find the beauty of hoarfrost. 

I will let you decide if I was successful.

One lone tree, it is actually a cluster of trees, I have photographed every month of the year and in various weather conditions.

Since this was in December the morning sun was still low on the horizon, casting a lovely warm light.

I found one spot that, upon closer inspection, had some lovely frost.

Those tall trees laden with frost are so beautiful in my sight. 

The soft glow of a winter morning created an almost magical scene.
A scene like this causes me to want to be very still and just allow the beauty to calm my senses.

Think About This:

It is in the stillness that we are most likely to hear the voice of God. 

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