Monday, January 10, 2022

2021 In Review

Ok, so this is not all that I took pictures of in 2021, but it was a daily challenge. As most of you know, I took one picture from a certain spot on my deck, each day in 2021. The idea was to watch the changes as they happened. At the end of this post is a short video of these pictures.

Since I had all these photos, I decided to make a collage for each month. I chose to use only 24 images per collage, but that is still most of the images for each month. The pictures are cropped to make them square, but you still get the effect of the changes.

This is January.

I did enjoy when I could capture the sunrise as well, but we do have a lot of cloudy days.

Here are the February photos. Notice the snow disappearing and then we got more.

March brings us closer to spring and the sun has noticeably moved further north.I should add that the camera was pointing in a south easterly direction.

April, and the green is beginning to show.

May shows a lot more leaves on the tree. This is a month I really enjoy, as it is usually not too hot, but the cold of winter is gone.

June brings us to the middle of the year. Unfortunately last year was so very dry, that even the leaves on the tree were smaller than usual.

July, brings the heat and last year with the lack of rain also brought brown lawns.

August came and with it the slow winding down of summer.

Looking at these pictures, we must have had a few rains in September. The grass is looking greener.

October means fall is fully upon us. The leaves change color and ever so quickly drop from the trees.

November, and the first snowfall. 

That brings us to the end of the year and December. This was a fun challenge, but I really don't want to do it again, right away.

I end this long post with a link to the video, should you wish to check that out.

Seasons Video 

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