Hey, a friend and I are going for a fall drive, jump in and come with us.
Yes, my "virtual" car has room for all of you at once.
Ok, everyone settled in? Let's head out north of Morden. I make no promises to stay on main roads, cause often it is the road less travelled that yields the best scenes.
Driving along, we see a driveway, which in itself is not picturesque , but oh, those beautiful trees are reason enough to stop.
Just a short drove down the main road, we spy this scene. Another view that is too lovey to pass up.
Did you see the horses? it was quite obvious that they really could care less about having their picture taken.
We head down into the St. Lupicien valley, knowing full well that the beauty is fading fast.
Many trees have already lost their leaves, but the ones that are still dressed in color, are all the more beautiful .
The contrast of the yellow and green is spectacular .
Take note that this road is not well travelled, but look at this view. To me this looks almost like a painting. I hope that by this time you are happy that you made the choice to join me and my friend.
One more look down this road.The beauty, in my mind was just spectacular.
But we must move on. There are other things to see.
This is a long shot.
Did you catch what I saw and what called for an immediate stop?
take a very close look,about the middle of the picture.
Do you see that white speck?
That is a Bald Eagle.
OK, I will zoom in so we can see it better. The surprise came, when a second eagle flew into view. I am so glad we stopped.
Well friends, that about ends our excursion for today. I am so glad you chose to join me and my friend. We had a great time exploring the beauties of nature.
This will likely be my last post with fall scenes, unless during the winter I get tired of snow, in which case we may take a look back at a few images which have not been posted.
To God be the Glory!