Monday, November 30, 2020

Checking Out the Countryside

On November 17, I decided it was time to get out of town. I had no idea what, if anything of interest, I would see. 

My camera and I headed west out of town and no sooner was I out of town limits, that I spied this Rough-legged Hawk sitting on a small tree. The early morning light was perfect for a few shots.

I carried on, leisurely, just enjoying the peace and quiet of the day. I began noticing a little build up of frost on some of the trees.

For today I am only giving you a quick look, but I do have more photos coming.

Travelling a little further down the road, I saw a Bald Eagle, but as is often the case, he had no desire to have his picture taken.

I know the bird was much too far away, but I had to fire a few shots anyway.

Here is a glimpse of some of the beauty I saw. Frost covered trees make most any scene, extra special.

More frost photos coming soon.

 As we step into the last month of this year, let us remember that 

God is in full control.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

First Snowfall


Back on November 2, we had some snow in my area. I was excited to see this, although a few friends may have thought I had gone crazy. I love those first few snowfalls, actually, I even love a good blizzard.

I went out the day of the first snow and captured some images on my yard and nearby.

The Blue jays are always pretty, but I especially like them in winter. They bring such a splash of color.

This branch stood out for me as it proudly carried the small layer of snow.Yes, that was the color of the sky. Some would call it dull and depressing, but here it is the perfect backdrop for this snowy branch.

This shot was taken through my kitchen window,so any smudges you may see are the result of a less than clean window.

I have no idea what kind of shrub has these small leaves, but I really liked how this little branch bravely peeked through the snow.

Even a chain-link fence becomes a work of art when covered with snow.

Finally I leave you with one look at Lake Minniwasta and the snow trimmed trees.  When each branch carries a layer of snow, it makes the trees have a lacy look.

Think About This:

Some of nature’s most exquisite handiwork is on a miniature scale, as anyone knows who has ever applied a magnifying glass to a snowflake or even a flower.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

One Last Look At Fall 2020

Hey, a friend and I are going for a fall drive, jump in and come with us.

Yes, my "virtual" car has room for all of you at once.

Ok, everyone settled in? Let's head out north of Morden. I make no promises to stay on main roads, cause often it is the road less travelled that yields the best scenes.

Driving along, we see a driveway, which in itself is not picturesque , but oh, those beautiful trees are reason enough to stop.

Just a short drove down the main road, we spy this scene. Another view that is too lovey to pass up.

Did you see the horses? it was quite obvious that they really could care less about having their picture taken.

We head down into the St. Lupicien valley, knowing full well that the beauty is fading fast. 

Many trees have already lost their leaves, but the ones that are still dressed in color, are all the more beautiful .

The contrast of the yellow and green is spectacular .

Take note that this road is not well travelled, but look at this view. To me this looks almost like a painting. I hope that by this time you are happy that you made the choice to join me and my friend.

One more look down this road.The beauty, in my mind was just spectacular.

But we must move on. There are other things to see.

This is a long shot. 

Did you catch what I saw and what called for an immediate stop?

take a very close look,about the middle of the picture.

Do you see that white speck? 

That is a Bald Eagle.

OK, I will zoom in so we can see it better. The surprise came, when a second eagle flew into view. I am so glad we stopped.

 Well friends, that about ends our excursion for today. I am so glad you chose to join me and my friend. We had a great time exploring the beauties of nature.

This will likely be my last post with fall scenes, unless during the winter I get tired of snow, in which case we may take a look back at a few images which have not been posted.

To God be the Glory!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Random Photos and Thoughts

Here is a random collection of photos and thoughts.

Summer is gone and it seems that most of fall is as well, but as long as we have pictures, we can always go back and relive those seasons.

I find that spending an evening at Lake Minniwasta is one of the most calming things I can do, especially during warmer weather.

Each sunset is beautiful in it's own special way.

I always love that golden path across the water.

As the sun sinks down behind the clouds, I know my time for photography for that day is done.

On a warm fall day, I took out the Lens Ball and tried my hand at some photos with it.

Here I have it resting on a small dish.

Then I tried holding it in my hand. I find that quite a challenge.

A pot of fall Mums was my next target.The Lens Ball gives an interesting perspective .

Of course I couldn’t leave out the red Amur Maple leaves.

On another lovely fall day, my travels took me along some back roads, where I came upon this scene.

Here is another view, more zoomed in. Which do you prefer?

I trust you are staying well. 

May you find joy in the little things around you. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

12 Steps for Self Care

The photos today, are from this past fall. Right now we have snow on the ground, but I really want to share some more fall beauty. 

Today I am also sharing 12 Steps for Self Care , so enjoy the pictures and see if you agree with the self care ideas.

All except for the two water photos, were taken near Winnipeg at Ft.Whyte Nature Center.

The water scenes are Lake Minniwasta.

1.If it feels wrong, don’t do it.

2.Say ‘exactly” what you mean.

3.Don’t be a people pleaser.

4.Trust your instincts.

5.Never speak bad about yourself.

6.Never give up on your dreams.

7.Don’t be afraid to say “No.”

8.Don’t be afraid to say “Yes.”

9.Be KIND to yourself.

10.Let go of what you can’t control.

11.Stay away from drama and negativity.


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Simple Beauty

Would you join me once again, as we drive through the scenic Pembina Valley in fall?

I trust you are not tired of seeing the colors of fall. before we know it parts of our country will be covered in white, so we may as well enjoy these sights now.

Driving along we spot an old building that has lost its' usefulness ,except as a photo opportunity .

Everywhere we look there are spots of lovely color. No, in my part of the world we don't get the brilliant reds, but we still have lots of color and beauty.

A late blooming thistle gives a source of food for this bee.

Fields of golden color. Farmers have been busy taking in a good harvest. By the time this is posted, most farmers have put their machinery away for the winter.

Have I mentioned how much I like the different stages of the thistle?

Even in bud this flower has so much detail and beauty. Just a word of warning. pretty to look at but painful to touch.

Happy the  soul that has been awed by a view of God’s majesty.