Saturday, May 23, 2020

Discovery Nature Sanctuary

Today I invite you to join me in a short walk at Discovery Nature Sanctuary at Winkler, Manitoba. This is about a 10 minute drive from my house.

As we open the car doors and prepare to get out, we hear the Northern Flickers making a lot of noise. Looking up into one of the mature trees, we see that they must be in the middle of some mating display.They are high up in the tree and therefore not easy to get a good picture.

Let's start down the well maintained path, which winds around the whole area. We don't get very far, before we stop and enjoy the beauty of the Tree Swallow, sitting on top of the nest box he likely has chosen for a future home.

A little farther down the path are some more nest boxes.They all seem to have Swallow activity.
These are such beautiful birds and easy to approach. During the nesting season, I try not to get too close, as I don't want to disturb them.

We have reached the small lake at the back of the Sanctuary. It is springtime and of course the Canada Geese are there in good numbers. Mostly this is the scene, as they swim around 'talking' to each other.

Occasionally, or maybe regularly, this happens. Some gander gets upset when another one comes too close to his lady. Things must be dealt with and quickly.

Perhaps we should carry on and let these guys work it out between themselves.
Thanks for joining me. I hope we can do this again sometime soon.

Whenever you should feel threatened, or fearful, remember:
No danger can come so near that God is not nearer still.

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