Let's start this new month with a few assorted photos, I got recently.
The Blue Jays are always around here, and especially so, when I put out peanuts for them. They get some food and I benefit by the entertainment they provide.
Things around us may not be normal at this time, but one look into the sky and we see the moon is still shining as brightly as ever and for that matter, so is the sun.
The Pine Siskins are enjoying a drink from my heated birdbath, and I get to capture photos of them.
This one is waiting his turn at the water.
A little sunshine makes for some pretty photos opportunities. The fence in the background, adds nice color.
I am fortunate enough to have the Red-breasted Nuthatch at my feeders all year. They also love coming for a drink of water.
Sitting outside on my deck and enjoying the birds, helps to put life into perspective.
I am reminded of a few words from an old chorus we used to sing in Sunday School.
The birds up in the tree tops sing their songs so, why shouldn't I, why shouldn't you, praise Him too.
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