Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Flight Of The Thunderbirds 2019

Come with me as we step back into July 2019.
I had not been to an airshow in many, many years, in fact long before my husband passed away. We used to go to airshows as often as possible, so when my son Steve asked me at the last minute, on a Saturday morning, if I would like to go along to Fargo, ND to an airshow, I knew what my answer had to be. I was ready in record time and off we went. It was a perfect airshow day, blue sky, sunshine, maybe a little too much for my skin, but still perfect.

This was another one of those 'firsts' since becoming a widow and I had no idea how I would handle it.
As the show opened with the traditional parachute coming down, I was enjoying the moment. The show was great.

As the afternoon progressed and I was getting warmer and warmer, all was well. And then I heard those Thunderbirds come to life, I could not hold back my tears. I pointed my camera in the direction of the action and started taking pictures. Through my tear filled eyes, I had no idea what I was getting.

As I watched these 'birds' fill the sky with smoke and sound, I had so many memories go through my mind.

In time, I was able to dry the tears and enjoy the show and hopefully get some good pictures. After all, that is what Jake would have been doing and now it was my turn to do so.

With each pass, I was enjoying it more. Yes, the tears were just below the surface, but I was so glad I had accepted the invitation to go along.

I have posted this shot before, but it deserves a second look. Jake would have been so proud of me and the image I was able to capture. I wish I could say it was all in my skills, but in fact it was more a lucky shot than anything else. The two planes are actually several feet apart, but it gives the illusion that they were touching.

Lucky shot or not, I am more than pleased with the above photo.
When I saw this on my computer, later that day, even the sunburn didn't hurt as much.

I am thankful for memories that lie just below the surface, ready to be relived at any time.

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