Saturday, March 28, 2020

Manitoba Legislative Building and Grounds

As promised, I do have one more post about Manitoba's Legislative building and grounds.
I had never actually taken time to walk around on the grounds of this building. 

One of the things that caught my attention was this rather large fountain.

Below is  an Inukshuk, the meaning, taken from a dictionary is:

A structure of rough stones stacked in the form of a human figure, traditionally used by Inuit people as a landmark or a commemorative sign.

There were numerous statutes, this one is  Louis Riel. 
 I went to Wikipedia and found this about him:

Louis David Riel was a Canadian politician, a founder of the province of Manitoba, and a political leader of the Métis people of the Canadian Prairies. He led two rebellions against the government of Canada and its first post-Confederation prime minister, John A. Macdonald.

You can read much more about him by doing a simple Google search of his name.

Here is just a lovely view of this grand building, with The Golden boy at the top.

The day I was there was a perfect day and the few lazy clouds added to the beauty.

As you have read my commentary about the pictures, you no doubt, realize that I am not a historian, or a politician. I was there to see the beauty of the place.

After this it is back to my regular postings of birds, flowers and landscapes.

Stay well, enjoy the springtime beauty around and above all else, don't forget to be thankful.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Manitoba Legislative Building

Last summer I had the privilege of touring our own Manitoba Legislative building.
I had been in here once as a school student, many years ago.
It is a beautiful building and I know that my words cannot adequately describe this, so I went to Wikipedia for help. in the first writing you will see mention of Leary Brickworks. I know that I have written about that area before.

The present-day Legislative Building was designed in 1912 by English architects Frank W. Simon and Henry Boddington III, who won a British Empire competition over 66 other entries, and built over the next seven years. The paramount example of Beaux-Arts Classical architecture in the province, the building was constructed of about ten million bricks made from Manitoba shale and clay between 1913 and 1916 at two local facilities. The majority are yellow-brown bricks made by the Stephens Brick Company at Portage la Prairie. Less common red bricks came from the Leary Brickworks west of Roseisle,Manitoba. The bricks are mostly hidden by several types of stone, including Manitoba limestone quarried at Garson, Manitoba. The exterior is adorned with many allegorical works of art celebrating wisdom, justice, and courage. The Golden Boy atop the dome is symbolic of Manitoba’s eternal youth and progress. The building was opened formally by Lieutenant Governor James Atkins at a ceremony held on 15 July 1920, the 50th anniversary of Manitoba’s entry into Confederation.

If you want to check out more details click on the link below.

Within the main entrance is the Grand Staircase. This is a perfectly square room measuring 66.6 feet (20.3 m) on each side. The staircase is composed of three flights of steps each with 13 steps. The steps are brown-veined Carrara marble, the finest marble in the world.

Flanking the steps are life size North American bison.Made of solid bronze, they were modelled by Georges Gardet, creator of the Golden Boy, and cast at the Roman Bronze Works in New York City.Each bison weighs 2,268 kilograms (2½ tons). Legend has it that to install the bison safely without damaging the marble floors, the main entrance was flooded and left to freeze. Both bison were then placed on enormous slabs of ice cut from the Assiniboine River, and safely slid into the building. The bison are one example of apotropaic icons in the Grand Staircase.

The building is famous for the Golden Boy, a gold covered bronze statue based on the style of the Roman god Mercury, or the Greek god Hermes, at the top of the cupola, or domed ceiling.

This building is quite impressive. Walking through it, down the long empty corridors, almost felt wrong at times. My sister and I were given a visitor card and then set free to roam through the building. I do have one more post about this building, focusing more on the outside.

During this health crises we are in, please take care of yourself, stay home as much as possible and stay well.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Flight Of The Thunderbirds 2019

Come with me as we step back into July 2019.
I had not been to an airshow in many, many years, in fact long before my husband passed away. We used to go to airshows as often as possible, so when my son Steve asked me at the last minute, on a Saturday morning, if I would like to go along to Fargo, ND to an airshow, I knew what my answer had to be. I was ready in record time and off we went. It was a perfect airshow day, blue sky, sunshine, maybe a little too much for my skin, but still perfect.

This was another one of those 'firsts' since becoming a widow and I had no idea how I would handle it.
As the show opened with the traditional parachute coming down, I was enjoying the moment. The show was great.

As the afternoon progressed and I was getting warmer and warmer, all was well. And then I heard those Thunderbirds come to life, I could not hold back my tears. I pointed my camera in the direction of the action and started taking pictures. Through my tear filled eyes, I had no idea what I was getting.

As I watched these 'birds' fill the sky with smoke and sound, I had so many memories go through my mind.

In time, I was able to dry the tears and enjoy the show and hopefully get some good pictures. After all, that is what Jake would have been doing and now it was my turn to do so.

With each pass, I was enjoying it more. Yes, the tears were just below the surface, but I was so glad I had accepted the invitation to go along.

I have posted this shot before, but it deserves a second look. Jake would have been so proud of me and the image I was able to capture. I wish I could say it was all in my skills, but in fact it was more a lucky shot than anything else. The two planes are actually several feet apart, but it gives the illusion that they were touching.

Lucky shot or not, I am more than pleased with the above photo.
When I saw this on my computer, later that day, even the sunburn didn't hurt as much.

I am thankful for memories that lie just below the surface, ready to be relived at any time.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Eye Candy At The English Gardens

It is time to see some color. Since I still don't see it when I look outside, I dug back into last years files and look what I found.

With all the talk about viruses and closures and generally speaking, negativity, I need some bright images to refresh my eyes and my mind. Let me just say, I am concerned, just like everyone else, but sometimes it is beneficial to step away for a moment and be refreshed.

I think this little Ruby-throated Hummingbird, captured last summer at The English Gardens, fills that need.

I love the Water Lilies. With their bright petals turned upward to catch every bit of sunlight, they brighten my day.

I share another one, just because I like them so much.

 Dahlias are another flower I can't seem to grow well, so off to The English Gardens I go, where I can see many of them. This bright flower reminds me of fireworks bursting with beauty.

I started with a Hummingbird, so I will end with another one.  They love the patch of Monarda or Bee Balm at The English Gardens.

Living unafraid doesn’t mean that we don’t feel fear but that we don’t obey it.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Tis The Season....Eagle Season

Tis the season for Bald Eagles and raptors of many kinds.  These are some of our earliest migrants, passing through this area, on their way to their breeding grounds.

I am learning to use my new Sony RX 10 Mark 4, camera, so these birds are perfect subjects.

The following shots are in the order in which I took them.

Of course, usually these guys don't hang around long, when I stop my car.
Wings up engines revving......

Cleared for take-off.....

And away we go!!!!

 Up into the sky to find a spot away from that pesky photographer.

Now, this next shot is where I took some creative license. I took the photo into Luminar and replaced the dull sky with one that has more interest.
Let me know which version you prefer, the natural sky or the replacement sky.

A person’s most valuable asset is not a head full of knowledge,
But a heart full of love and an ear ready to listen and a hand to help others.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Outside My Door

The weather is slowly changing and temperatures are moderating. These are the days that we look forward to and with the changes come some new birds. New for the season.

I spent some time recently standing on my deck, hoping to get some birds shots.
While I was waiting, I noticed how nice the green branch looked against the backdrop of the neighbours fence.

It took the birds a little time to get used to me standing there. The Pine Siskin landed first on a nearby branch. I think he needed to check me out.

It didn't take long for this bird and others to join him at the heated bird bath. 

 Mostly the birds will come here for a drink. Once the weather gets even nicer, they love having a quick bath as well.

Look! A "new' bird!

Oh no, it is not a bird, but one of those pesky Red Squirrels. I thought he was cute, sitting there munching on a pine cone.

Always remember this:
It’s up to us to see the beauty in everyday things.