Friday, January 10, 2020


Once again I will share part of the short story I wrote years ago, about School Bus Driving.
The pictures have nothing to do with the writing, but because southern Manitoba is in a cold snap,I thought it would be nice to look at some flowers from summer.

This episode I have entitled 
It's All In A Days Work

 It’s all in a days work, from the early morning phone call on a Saturday, to the dog that kicks stones at the bus, the job of a school bus driver is never boring. 

We all complain about various aspects of the job from time to time, but if we want to be honest, we have to admit that this job has a certain lure about it, that keeps us going.  It is hard to understand just what this is. It may well be the challenge of the various driving conditions, then again it may be the camaraderie among the drivers. To begin with each driver probably took this job for two reasons, it gives a pay check and it’s available. But it doesn’t take long to realize that what keeps one going day after day, year after year is much more than that. Certainly the students are in large part a reason that this job is enjoyable. 

 When this driver, having missed a week of work because of illness, came back it almost brought tears to her eyes when one little girl, beaming from ear to ear, got on the bus and said, “ Mrs. Hiebert I’m sure glad to have you back.”  Moments like this are very special and certainly make up for the difficult experiences with some of the more disruptive students. 

 Without a doubt, being a school bus driver brings with it it’s own set of problems, but it also carries with it some definite joys and rewards.. 
    Surely these are part of what keeps us bus drivers going. 

The story really never has an end, because daily we experience new things and make some new mistakes. It is the mistakes that usually make the good stories especially when they happen to someone else. 

 It has been my desire, in writing about our experiences, to show that being a school bus driver is both trying and rewarding. 

There will likely be two more episodes to finish this series, but it may take a while to post them.

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