Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Time for another Bus driver episode.
Once again the pictures have nothing to do with the story.

On The Job Training
 A call comes from the office and the transportation supervisor calls all regular and spare drivers to the office for a morning of in-service. In order to keep a school bus drivers license up to date we need to have at least eight hours of  in-service each year. 
    In-service— what does that mean? It means a time of training and a refresher course of previously learned material. 

Much of our in-service time is spent in learning about safe driving. Many times the training is done through the use of videos and at other times special speakers are brought in. We have had people like the police, railroad personal, firemen and others come to speak to us. Sometimes safety is taught through hands on experience, such as  under the hood inspections or driving a predetermined route while other drivers are the passengers. They observe carefully and later discussions are held about this. 
      Some of this training seems repetitious, but it is hoped that these skills, when well learned, may in an emergency save lives. 

 First Aid training is a very important part of the bus drivers training. A comment that is often heard during the first aid courses is, “: No one one wants to be involved in an accident.” It must be a driver’s worst nightmare to either be involved in an accident or even come upon an accident scene. 

     All the  bus drivers have been trained in doing C.P.R. This does not stand for Canadian Pacific Railway but rather for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. We also hold valid First Aid Certificates. All the courses are taught by certified instructors and are meant to be serious in nature. Yet, when a room full amateurs tries to resuscitate “Annie” or bandage up imaginary broken limbs, the scene can at times be quite hilarious. 

 Amongst all the laughter and silliness there is still a serious nature about it. Each driver knows the importance of being able to help others in case of an accident.We are responsible for the lives of many precious children and we take this responsibility very seriously. 

    Yes, bus driving can be a lot of fun, but it is also a great responsibility. 

And so the story continues.

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