Monday, September 30, 2019

Stepping Into October

So we are now stepping into October. Around here it feels like we have passed fall and moved on closer to winter. No, we don't have snow yet, but rain and more rain and with that colder temperatures. I'm not complaining, as I do prefer to put on an extra layer instead of being so hot.

These pictures are from the end of August, so the scenery by now would look very different.

I like the Goldenrod, as those cheery yellow flowers stand tall among the grass.

This particular view of Lake Minniwasta just never grows old. This is not a large lake, but this view is spectacular, in my opinion.

Walking along the trails bordering the lake is a relaxing experience, filled with beautiful scenes.

Sometime the unexpected shows up. There are usually Double-crested Cormorants on the lake, but they don't stick around to have their picture taken. On this particular morning, I came upon a very cooperative Cormorant.

It's almost as if he or she was turning around and checking to see that I got a good view of him or her.

As I was about ready to turn around and head back to my car, I heard something. I froze, hoping to capture whoever it was. I found myself almost face to face with this White-tailed doe. She stared at me for a moment or two and slowly walked into the bush and I made my way back to my car.

Something To Think About:
If you feel like you're losing everything,
Remember that trees lose their leaves every year
And they still stand tall and wait 
For better days to come.

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