Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Come For A Walk, and Leave the Sadness Behind

It was around the middle of June and, even though, I don't often have a bad day, this day was not good.I had not slept well and it looked like it would be a rough day.
I decided that, because of the sunshine and blue sky,I would take myself for a walk.
I invite you to join me and let's see if we can't leave that unhappy mood somewhere along the trail and trade it for smiles and peace.

Pretty much behind me is where I started down the trail that leads along the lake shore.

You can't see it from this angle, but there is a nicely groomed trail leading into that bush.Of course,I don't make a lot of time, because I'm constantly stopping to take pictures.
Oh, guess what, I had already forgotten that my day started out crummy.

Oh Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds Thy hands have made!
I was in awe of the peace, tranquility and beauty that was all around me.

No, there are no vast, snow covered mountains, no large crashing waves, but there is a calmness that enters the soul. Time has a way of slipping by unnoticed.

At one point along my leisurely walk, I stopped and tried my hand at getting a panoramic shot with my camera.This is may be 5 or more pictures stitched together in Lightroom. I am pleased with the end result.

 Then sings my soul,my Saviour God to Thee,
How Great Thou Art!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Scenic Drive and Horses

Come with me for an early morning drive into the country. One good friend is already in my car, but there is room for all of you,I'm sure.
We head north out of Morden, just looking for something of interest to photograph.

The first stop is at an old abandoned railway trestle.Many of you will recognize this place.It is about 12 miles north and west of Morden, but driving along with friends as company, the road seems short.
The blue sky makes for a great photo opportunity.

Heading even further north down a country road, we see some horses. Normally I don't get terribly excited about horses, I know, I'm different, but on this morning the sunlight makes these animals look spectacular. Of course, what's not to love about a sweet foal? He is a cutie.

When Mama noticed that we had stopped, she quickly guided him further to the back of the fence and safety, in her mind.

One young foal had obviously not gotten the memo, as he calmly slept while the other horses trotted away. His Mama, was not too happy about that and quickly made her way back to his side and the nap was over.

Mama and baby trotting off to the safety of the barn at the other end of the pasture, but not before I was able to get some pictures.

Something To Think About:
Just as these mares were trying to get their foals to safety, God says in His word:

I am your shelter and a place of safety from your enemies. Psalm 61:3

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Lucky Shot!

On Saturday, July 20th, I was invited by Steve to join him and a friend to go to the Fargo, ND Airshow.I had not been at an airshow in many, many years, so I was happy to join them. Several firsts for me happened that day. I got to eat at a Chick-fil-a, I got to walk through  Hobby Lobby, and I had a chance to photograph some fast flying aircraft. I got many shots, but one that topped them all.

The USAF Thunderbirds are always a thrill to watch and this day was no different.
This picture would have been enough for me, if that was all I got.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Clouds and Cows

Time to get another post out there.
I see you checking for it and so I had better finish this post and hit share.

Most of you know my love for cloud/sky watching. One evening, recently I was doing just that when I spotted the following display.
Do you see the little dog running along with ears flapping away?

All sky scenes have some beauty about them. At sunset it is not only the western sky that is lovely but also the clouds in the opposite direction.

Ok, I'd like to hear what it is you see in this scene.
I see a being, maybe another dog, with wings, riding a snowmobile.

Ok folks, time to come back down to earth.In case you're still watching, hope you enjoyed this fun little post.

Something To Think About:
Take time to see the details of nature in the sky and all around you.
Also take a moment to praise God for creating all this.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Fury and Beauty

On Thursday, July 11th we were treated to some amazing thunderheads and light shows.
I got many photos and many that I am very happy with, but this one tops them all.
It is not easy to get a shot of the lightening, but I was fortunate enough to be at the right place, at the right time.

Something To Think About:
 Creation speaks of me, yet I am invisible. My glory thunders, yet I whisper to you. Heaven and earth are mine, yet I want your heart.
 I am God.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


If you have followed this blog for any length of time, you already know that I love watching and photographing the clouds. I find so much beauty in these massive cloud structures. The added benefit is that I don't have to drive far to observe this.
This post is all about the clouds.

A thunderstorm on the horizon is reason enough to grab my camera and head out of town.

The beauty of this cloud is amazing.

A few minutes later I was able to capture that same cloud in a different setting. You can see it has changed a little in its shape.That's another reason I love watching the clouds. They are ever changing.

Clouds are lovely, and when we add I a setting sun and it becomes awesome.

Still a little later the sky has changed to that gorgeous sunset orange. The sunlight streaks through a break in the clouds. Beauty, no human can paint.

Something To Think About:
Scripture records in Mark 13:26
(We)will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


Here is part two of my little bus driver story. In total there are nine chapters or vignettes, as I prefer to call them.
The pictures are sunset scenes, captured recently at Lake Minniwasta, so they don't have anything to do with the story. Hope you enjoy my writings and the pictures I'm sharing.

Smiles and Tears

September 1, and the first day of a new school year.The alarm clock rings early to awaken the bus driver. Even the drivers sense a feeling of anticipation and perhaps apprehension. After that first cup of coffee and breakfast, the bus driver makes his or her way out to that big yellow vehicle. The bus needs to be checked out to make sure that everything is working correctly. On a good day all is in perfect condition. No oil leaks under the hood, fluid levels are all up, belts tight, tires round and the lights front and rear all in working order.

  Many times this morning inspection can set the tone for the rest of the day. When something is amiss you know it will mean a call to the office for help as well as calling the parents to let them know that the bus will be late. Timing is of utmost importance to a school bus driver and no one wants to have a late start. When all is well, the always time conscious driver checks the clock carefully and at just the right moment sets the wheels a-rolling.

 Today is a special day for the little ones as this is the first day of Kindergarten. Some parents choose to take their young student to school for the first few times, but some of the braver students can hardly wait for that first bus ride.

  As the bus rolls to a stop at the first pick-up, the driver sees just such a young child, eager to get on the bus. The little girl in her brightly adorned pigtails, colourful backpack and one hand firmly placed in Mother's protective one, waits patiently for the door to open.A quick cheerful good-bye to Mom and she happily boards the bus, but wait, is that a tear in Mother's eye? Yes, the sight of her baby going off to school is almost more than a. Mother can take. A lump rises in the driver’s throat, the parental heart inside of you knows just what this mother is feeling., but we must move on to be in time at the next stop and the next. A few stops down the road is another  mother with several children , one of thermals being a kindergarten student. As this child boards the bus, Mother grins broadly and waves good-bye. Perhaps she is thankful that at last  she will have the house to herself for several hours.  You imagine her going back to a quiet house, sitting down for a leisurely cup of coffee and for just a moment you envy her position. But your job is important and sitting a little straighter in your seat you take pride in your chosen career.

These are just some of the experiences of a professional school bus driver on the daily run from the first pick-up in the morning to the last drop off at school. It is these  experiences that make the job both interesting and rewarding and one reason why a bus driver stays on the job.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Petals and Poses

Springtime flowers add so much beauty to our world. I think they are some of the prettiest, maybe because of waiting all winter to see color and texture, other than snow. Now,I do love snow and for the most part love winter, but I do miss the pretty colors of flowers such as these.

Bleeding Hearts always remind me of an Auntie of mine. She had some of the most luxuriant Bleeding Heart plants and, as I recall, they got no special attention.
These were photographed at the English Gardens in Winnipeg.

I don't have a name for these pretty flowers, but I just love the gentle softness of this picture.

The Yellow Lady's Slipper is a wild flower which grows in some areas around here.I love seeing them every spring and always remind myself and others that they are also a protected species. What this means is, enjoy them where they are, get all the pictures you want and leave them for others to enjoy as well.

And now for the 'poses' part of this post. It is not often that a Mallard will allow you to get so close to it. This was also in the English Gardens and this male Mallard was not about to be disturbed by anyone.

He is so handsome.I also love the look of the water in this shot.

 Something To Think About:
You are beautiful just the way God made you.