Sunday, June 30, 2019

Random Treasures

It seems that I just barely posted my last post for may and here we are at the end of June.
For me the end of June means that it is the start of a two month holiday, away from school bus driving.

I have a few random images to share.
I bought a tray of small pansies early in spring and they are busy doing what Pansies do best.they are blooming profusely.

A light shower means that there are water droplets on the leaves. 
Little beads of beauty, glistening in the sunlight.

The setting sun is decorated with a few wispy clouds, adding some more interest to the scene.

As the sun slowly slips lower in the sky, it is partially hidden behind a nearby tree.

Finally, a golden path across the water. The ripples created by a passing boat add some interest.

Something To Think About:
A fiery sunset, tiny pansies by the wayside, the sound of raindrops tapping on the roof —
What extraordinary delight to share these simple wonders with a friend!
With wide eyes and full hearts , we come to cherish what others have missed.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A Few Of My Favourite Things

As we are nearing the end of June, I will share a few more spring photos.
Spring, when the birds return and can be seen in abundance on my yard, is one of my favourite times of the year.

What's not to love about the little Chipping Sparrow?  He may be small and not brightly coloured,but I still love having them around in spring.

Sometimes I think I need some signs on the bird feeders. This is an Oriole feeder and not a Downy Woodpecker feeder.

This White-crowned Sparrow just couldn't be any cuter. I'm pretty sure he is checking out the activity just below him, but that cocked head makes for a pretty pose.

Ok, so this is not a bird, but the baby Bison are just so sweet. 

Pull up a chair and sit a spell.I'm sure the Harris Sparrow will move over and give you some room.

Something To Think About:
As the sign in one of the above pictures says:
Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures.

Thursday, June 20, 2019


It's time to showcase some of our beautiful birds. Now, you may well hear me say that most every bird is beautiful, because I do like my birds.

In my opinion,the Wood Duck is our most colourful water bird we have. The male has a proud look to him and rightly so, he is one handsome fella.

Ok, so the Canada Goose is not that colourful,but they still have a special beauty. 

The common Mallard is another good looking one. That green head of the male is stunning.

Here is a group of Mallards,acting strangely. They would swim quietly and suddenly multiple ones would burst forward, churning up the water.

Sometimes one or more would take off on a short flight.I have no idea what this behaviour was all about, but I found it fascinating.

Ok, time for me to say good-bye for now.
No worries,I will be back with another post in a few days.

Something To Think About:

Saturday, June 15, 2019


This post has a slightly different flavour than most of mine have. The pictures have absolutely nothing to do with the words, but I added them just because.These are all taken this past spring.

Many years ago, some of my fellow bus drivers would make comments like, someone should write this down, or this should be put in a book.
Well,I am not a writer, but one day sat down and began recording what we as bus drivers experience regularly. This is the first instalment of my writing and in time more will follow.
These are all things that actually happened as told, to the driver mentioned.

Chapter One
Good Morning!
 The incessant ringing of the telephone woke Art. He rolled over in bed, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at the time. It was only 6:45 AM. What would anyone be calling about this early? Outside the cold wind was blowing and the stars were still visible in the early morning sky. It was was just the kind of morning to pull the blankets a little closer and sleep for a few more hours. As Art sleepily made his way to the phone, he was trying to brace himself for whatever the caller might have to say. To say that he was not prepared for what he heard would be an understatement. 

 Upon picking up the receiver, a lady’s cheerful voice at the other end said, "Good Morning Art, I just wanted to tell you that little Lisa will not be on the bus today.” After a short pause, a grin broke over Arts' face and you could hear the smile in his voice as he relied, “ Thank you, but I wasn’t going to pick her up anyway, today is Saturday.” 

  What followed was another brief pause and then a mumbled apology for getting him up this early on a cold, wintry day and then a hurried Good-bye.. By this time Art was fully awake and as he made his way back to the warmth of his bed, his mind was filled with a multitude of questions. Not the least of which was, “ Why did I choose a career as a school bus driver?” 

    Every driver has at some time faced this question and the answers are as unique as the drivers.. Who  is a school bus driver? This type of job is part-time and therefore attracts people from various walks of life. There are and have been farmers, homemakers, a store clerk, a chimney sweep, a music teacher, an auctioneer and more.

   As a driver faces the question of why, the first answer would probably be, “ It gives a pay check”, but there has to be more to it than that. To be surrounded by 20-60 or more active, loud and sometimes very unruly children for several hours each day, and that during some hazardous road conditions, is at time quite a challenge. The children and their various needs, coupled with extremes in weather and road conditions makes this a very unusual job. Yes, there must be more than just the money that lures people into this job and makes them stay with it for many years.

To be continued.......

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Spring and Summer Visitors

I look forward to the arrival of the spring birds. At first we have the various Sparrows and then shortly after that some of our more colourful birds show up.
Today's post is all about the birds.

The Ovenbird is usually quite stealthy, but as I was sitting quietly on the lawn, this one walked right into a perfect position for a picture.

When the Baltimore Orioles arrive, it means being ready with the nectar, the oranges and the grape jelly. I find that once they have discovered the jelly, the other food sources mostly remain untouched.

The male is a handsome fella.

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds also show up. The males pass through first and then the females show up. This is a female as you can see. It does not have the ruby throat feathers.

Sometimes,it's not the rarer birds, but one as common as the American Robin, that catches my attention. He was posing so perfectly, I had to get his picture.

Something To Think About:
The following old song came to my mind as I looked at these pictures.

The birds upon the tree tops sing their song;
The angels chant their chorus all day long;
The flowers in the garden blend their hue,
So why shouldn’t I, why shouldn’t you praise Him too?

Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Newness Of Spring.

Springtime brings new life and new growth to the trees and plants around us.It is an exciting time.
Those trees that stood grey and lifeless all winter, suddenly push out new leaves.
Each of these new leaves look fresh and vibrant, ready to grow and give shade to all who take the time to sit , stand or even lie down under that tree.

I know that even in southern Manitoba, it has felt more like the middle of summer the last few days, but in reality, according to the calendar we are still in spring.
I find joy and hope in each new leaf.

I share these pictures, in hopes that you too will see them as a promise of new life and hope.

This may well be my favourite shot in this collection, although, I do like them all.

Even the ferns have a special beauty, as they unfurl those fronds to drink in the rain and bask in the sunshine.

Each leaf has beauty and the Lupin leafs is no exception. I had watered my garden and saw how the tiny droplets clung to the edges of the leafs, decorating them like jewels.

Something To Think About:
Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf of springtime.
    Author: Martin Luther 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Spring Flowers

This post has some very recent flower photos and words that echo what my heart feels.

I am weak but God is strong.

I don’t have all but I have Him.

Though I’m tired,I know He’s not tired of loving me.
(This is not technically a flower but spring seeds instead.)

That’s enough inspiration for me to face each day.

Because,I’m just someone imperfect, but loved by a perfect God

Something To Think About:
Take some time today to see God in the beauty around you.