Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Return Of The Birds

Springtime brings with it the arrival of birds, many of which we have not seen since last fall.
Before anyone gets too excited,I know, we are well on our way into summer, but the following pictures were captured in early to mid spring
As one who love birds and looks for their return every spring, these images give me joy.

The first one is a Dark-eyed Junco. These birds are some of the earlier ones to show up.They may not have a lot of color, but after a long winter, their cheerful twitter is a treat to hear.

The Yellow-rumped Warbler is one busy little guy. It's hard to get  a good picture of them, cause they are most often on the move.

Here the bird is enjoying some of the sap from the Amur Maple.

The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is a regular visitor for a short time in spring. Yes, they really do show a tinge of yellow other bellies.

Now you see me.........

........Now you don't.
These two picture show the small and well camouflaged Brown Creeper. As they spiral their way up the tree trunk they blend right into the bark.,

A male Purple Finch is one of the colorful birds we see here.Not only is he pretty, he has a lovely song that he shares readily.

The Common Grackle is a bird that most folks would rather not have around the feeders. They can be very aggressive and noisy. I am one of those who don't particularly like this bird, but it is a beautiful bird in the right light.

Something To Think About:
Plunge into the blessings of spring...
the sprouting of trees and grass,
the sound of birds returning from their winter furlough,
the daffodils and tulips.

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