Friday, April 12, 2019

Springtime and Icy Sculptures or Ribbons of Gold

Spring brings so much variety and so much joy.
I know that early in the season we are all waiting for those first green shoots, but around here we may have to wait just a little longer. While the new growth is a little slow in coming, there is still so much beauty to see.

Looking up, it is not uncommon to see one of the many migrating birds. This happens to be a mature Golden Eagle, always a thrill to see.

 I had stopped to check out a small pond, hoping for some early arrivals of geese or ducks. I did not see those, but my eyes were drawn to the activity in the roadside ditch. I heard it first and then saw the water bubbling over the frozen ground.

We may not have the grandeur of Yellowstone National Park, but we have the beauty of ice formations at the edge of the open water.

Each place I looked I saw more beauty. The ice was sculpted into the most fascinating designs.

To me these ice formations look like ruffles on a flowing skirt.Layers of beauty, and all created by the the Master Creator.

I was going to say sorry for the overload of icy pictures, but, I am not sorry. I enjoyed capturing these sights and I trust at least one or two other people will appreciate the beauty here.

Coming home, down the highway the other night, I had to pull over to capture this scene. I was driving on a ribbon of gold.

Something To Think About:
Do you take the time to see and appreciate the beauty that is right before you?

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