Tuesday, April 30, 2019


I am sure that most, if not all of the people who visit this site know that I love watching the clouds.
On a recent drive out into the country, hoping for a gorgeous sunset,I spent the earlier part of the evening watching and photographing the clouds. What follows are some of my shots from that evening.

This picture was taken a day before all the others, but I love seeing those huge puffy clouds in the blue sky.

As the sun was dropping further in the western sky the clouds got that dark ominous look.This is a different kind of beauty, no doubt.

I think a sky like this is so beautiful and have a hard time not getting yet another and another shot.

When I turned to look more toward the east,I was surprised to see these clouds. I am not a meteorologist so I don't have names for all the clouds, but I do appreciate the beauty.

Looking directly south,I was greeted with this sight.Truly, there was beauty all around me and it varied greatly, depending on which direction I looked. A few minutes also could make a huge difference in the look of the sky.

Something To Think About:
The Bible says:
The Lord is slow to anger and great in power;
The Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished.
His way is in the whirlwind and the storm,
And clouds are dust of his feet.
Nahum 1:3

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Sights of Spring

This is an exciting time of year. The world around me is coming to life again, after a long quiet and white winter.
One of the early signs of spring is the return of the birds.Raptors or birds of prey, such as hawks and eagles, are among the first to show up.

Looking up and seeing a Bald Eagle, even an immature, like this one, is always a treat.

The Canada Geese are some of the ones to return early. They are often back when most of the lakes and ponds are still frozen, so they have to land on the ice.

It doesn't take long for small puddles of water to thaw and give those reflections of the nearby trees.

Before the snow melts in the bushes the White-tailed Deer can often be seen foraging in the fields. 

As the temperatures warm up, many fields have large puddles of water on them.This water runs off fairly quickly so it is not a concern for the farmers.

In the previous shot you could see the water dropping into a small opening. I may not see those large,beautiful waterfalls, but I still enjoy even these small falls and the sound of the running water.

I started this post with an eagle and I will end it with a beautiful red-tailed Hawk, soaring in that blue sky.

Something to Think About:
Know who you are 
Accept who you are 
Be who you are

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Dark Clouds and Sunsets

As we approach the Easter weekend, I will share some sunset scenes.
Somehow, when I think of Good Friday and the events that happened long ago on that day,I imagine a dark sky.
I know these scenes are not somber, but were captured because I saw beauty, but they may be appropriate for this season.

The setting sun shone a beam of light upward.

Much the same view as above, but a wider angle.

High in the sky were the trails left by some large aircraft, perhaps passenger jets, carrying people to  far distant places.

Clouds create so much of the beauty of a sunset.
I don't like clouds/difficulties in my personal life, but perhaps, if I allow them, they can create some beauty in my life as well.

The dark clouds look heavy and almost grievous, but the warm light of the setting sun brings comfort and peace.

Something to Think About:
On the day we call Good Friday, Jesus gave His life for you and me.
Because of this we can have eternal life.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Springtime and Icy Sculptures or Ribbons of Gold

Spring brings so much variety and so much joy.
I know that early in the season we are all waiting for those first green shoots, but around here we may have to wait just a little longer. While the new growth is a little slow in coming, there is still so much beauty to see.

Looking up, it is not uncommon to see one of the many migrating birds. This happens to be a mature Golden Eagle, always a thrill to see.

 I had stopped to check out a small pond, hoping for some early arrivals of geese or ducks. I did not see those, but my eyes were drawn to the activity in the roadside ditch. I heard it first and then saw the water bubbling over the frozen ground.

We may not have the grandeur of Yellowstone National Park, but we have the beauty of ice formations at the edge of the open water.

Each place I looked I saw more beauty. The ice was sculpted into the most fascinating designs.

To me these ice formations look like ruffles on a flowing skirt.Layers of beauty, and all created by the the Master Creator.

I was going to say sorry for the overload of icy pictures, but, I am not sorry. I enjoyed capturing these sights and I trust at least one or two other people will appreciate the beauty here.

Coming home, down the highway the other night, I had to pull over to capture this scene. I was driving on a ribbon of gold.

Something To Think About:
Do you take the time to see and appreciate the beauty that is right before you?

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Sun,Moon and Animals

     A little chorus I grew up singing in Sunday School and have always loved it.
    He Owns The Cattle On A Thousand Hills.

    He owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
    The wealth in every mine;

    I do think that includes Bison such as this.

He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills,
The sun and stars that shine.

Wonderful riches, more than tongue can tell -
He is my Father so they're mine as well;

He owns the cattle on a thousand hills - 
I know that He will care for me. 

The bison is one of a herd that are raised just west of my town.
The White-tailed Deer are obviously wild.In winter they tend to come out of the bushes and look for food wherever they can find it.
I don't think the sunset needs an explanation.It's just plain beautiful.
 and the moon, well that speaks for itself also.

Something To Think About:
Right from the Bible---

'For every animal of the forest is mine,
and the cattle on a thousand hills.'
Psalm 50:10