Sunday, March 31, 2019

Return Of The Birds

Time to turn over that calendar page again.
Wait! I am the only one who still likes to have a calendar on the wall?
Anyway, a new month is upon us.This is a month that is special to me, as my only child,Steve was born in April. This year it is also special because we celebrate Easter this month.

There is something else special about this month and that is the return of many birds.
Some of the earliest are the Canada geese. I don't care how many times I've seen them and how many pictures I already have, when I look up and see this,I have to take a picture.

Around the same time as the geese return, so do the Bald Eagles.There is a migration corridor through the Pembina Valley. Since this is only about 30 minutes from my house,I go there often. Once again, no matter how often I have witnessed this and how many pictures I have,I must get another one or two or many more.

Bringing our eyes back down to the ground. At this time of year the bushes are still filled with snow so the White-tailed Deer roam around, looking for food wherever they can find it. This one was kind enough to allow me a couple of shots.

As the temperatures warm up it is not uncommon to see flowing water in many a roadside ditch. I love the sound of it and it gives me some more reasons to get pictures.

The ice has not disappeared from the ponds, but the geese are coming back, ice or not. I watched these two come in for a landing. When I got the picture on the computer I had to laugh. Look at the goose on the left. Its' tail is bent by the ice and its' bill is opened wide. To me it looks like he's saying 'OHHHHH'. Ok, that's my imagination running wild.

Something to think about:
Always believe something wonderful is going to happen.
Even with all the ups and downs, never take a day for granted.
Cherish the little things and hug the ones you love.

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