Monday, April 9, 2018

Wildflowers From the Past

Anybody out there who is tired of winter like weather? 
Surely I am not alone with that sentiment.
I try really hard not to complain about the weather, because,after all it is not humans who are in control.God is in full control of the weather and although,I may wish for different weather,I also realize that in His time God will send warm temperatures and just what He knows we need.
I also know that I need to remind myself of these things often.
While we are waiting for the warm weather and new growth,I will share some old photos with you.
These pictures were all taken with slide film and later scanned to the computer.The gifted photographer was none other than my dear husband,Jake.

Below is wild Liatris with a mixture of other wildflowers.

If I am not mistaken, this is Fleabane.

This picture looks like a wildflower meadow, but is actually the way one of our flower patches used to look.I love that 'wild' look. If memory serves me correctly, these flowers came from a package of wildflower seeds we purchased.

The beautiful Yellow Lady's Slipper grow wild in some areas near me.

I love the look of a meadow, strewn with delicate wildflowers. It looks like each flower and blade of grass is also adorned with droplets of dew.

The unmistakable Wild Rose is always a winner in my eyes.

Our Prairie Crocus is an early spring bloomer in some meadows.They used to be a lot more abundant.

The sunny Coreopsis is so pretty, nestled in the grass.

I am not entirely sure of the name of this flower, but I believe it is in the Sunflower family. It is definitely a wildflower as can be seen in this shot.This is along the shore of lake Minniwasta.

This is Tansy.This plant grows in the wild, but can also be found in some gardens.It is a hardy plant and adds a bright pop of color to any space.

Closing Thought:
Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, 
Remain that way.Say nothing and listen as God whispers, 
“Do you like it? I did it just for you.” 

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