Monday, April 30, 2018

Free To Fly

As another month is over and a new one upon us, my mind is on flying. Time flies, we hear that often, days and moments fly by so quickly we barely have time to do the things we want to.

 Clouds don't usually fly through the sky, but rather lazily drift along. Come to think of it, those days when we can drift along are so relaxing and refreshing. Take some time to watch the clouds drift along and allow your body and soul to be refreshed.

This,on the other hand is a fast way of getting from one place to another.Aircraft are designed to speed through the air and get the traveller to their destination quickly.

The seeds from this Milkweed have left the pod several months ago.Were they in a hurry to leave or did they take their time.I wasn't there to see it, but I'm guessing that they hung onto the pod as long as possible and finally,at just the right moment sailed through the air, carried by the wind to a new place, where hopefully there was soil for them to start a new life.

Bald Eagles are most graceful,soaring through the sky on those huge wings. Sometimes things happen and for a time they need to be grounded and nursed back to health. That is where this Eagle had been, but now it was once again ready to soar as it was meant to do.

He quickly discovered that those wings still worked quite well and off he went. This release happened at a Raptor Festival not too far from where I live.What a thrill to see this bird take flight once again.

To Think About:
When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty,trust Him fully,because two things can happen,either He’ll catch you when you fall,or He will teach you to fly.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Look Back Though The Old Album

This post has some old, scanned photos, some newer ones and it takes us to various locations and seasons.I would love for you to join me as we travel around to see check out the scenes, both near and far.

This first fall scene is at a small nature preserve near where I live, called Binney Corner.
I am fairly certain that I took this shot.

Another photo from the same general location and the same photographer.

Also one I captured at Binny Corner.

I have Amur Maples on my yard and they have some of the  most gorgeous fall colors. Whether the leaves are on the trees or on the lawn, they paint a lovely scene.

Now for some photos I did not take and am not sure where they  were taken.I encourage you to just enjoy the beauty.

I seem to remember that Jake has told me this is somewhere in British Columbia. It really doesn't matter, because I have no plans of ever crossing a bridge like that.

I cannot say where this is, but it does look spectacular.

This is the Devil's Tower in Wyoming.I was there but at that time did not have a camera.This was taken by Jake.

This little island is called Spirit Island and is on Moraine Lake near Banff,Alberta.To see this you take a boat ride way to the back of the lake.It is quite amazing to see this. I am thinking this picture was taken on our honeymoon,many years ago.

Closing Thought:
Photography is not about cameras, gadgets and gismos. 
Photography is about photographers. 
A camera didn’t make a great picture any more 
than a typewrite wrote a great novel. 
Peter Adams 

Friday, April 20, 2018

Timeless Beauty In Nature

Nature photos just never get old, at least in my opinion.These are all old photos that were taken before the digital era and scanned to the computer. I cannot take credit for any of these shots, but I know that man who took them, and I still am proud of the work he did.
Most of these scenes I do not know the location, but that does not diminish the beauty.

Mist over the water.

Look at those vibrant greens.

Fall in Manitoba.

This looks like it must be part of the Pembina Valley.

Overlooking our local golf course, advertised as one of the more scenic courses around.

This may well be the Pembina River.

Travelling through the Rocky Mountains.Note the snow beside the road.

I am guessing this is in Whiteshell Provincial Park,located about 2-3 hours east of where I live.

 This looks like a calendar scene to me.

Closing Thought:
Beautiful things happen in your life when you distance yourself from all the negative things.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

10 Rules For Happiness

I am still looking back at old pictures, captured by Jake and scanned to the computer. Back when he was taking these pictures, it was slide film and after taking the picture and the film was full, it meant at least a week of waiting for the slides to come back. I really believe that photographers back then were more careful to get that right shot,because each picture cost money. No,just hitting the delete button if it didn't turn out right.

For this post I will add 10 rules for happiness that I found on the internet.

1.Give something away to someone , with no strings attached.

2.Do a kindness to someone and forget it.
(For the record,I have no idea who these people are)

3.Spend a few minutes with the aged,their experience is a 

priceless guidance.

4.Look intently into the face of a baby,and marvel.

5.Laugh often,it is life’s lubricant.

6.Give thanks to the Lord,a thousand times a day is not enough.

7.Pray,or you will lose the way.

8.Work,with vim and vigor.

9.Plan as though you’ll live forever,because you will.

10.Live as though you’ll die tomorrow,because your body will on some tomorrow.

Closing Thought:
Show a little bit of love and kindness,
That's the way to make the world a happy place.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Wildflowers From the Past

Anybody out there who is tired of winter like weather? 
Surely I am not alone with that sentiment.
I try really hard not to complain about the weather, because,after all it is not humans who are in control.God is in full control of the weather and although,I may wish for different weather,I also realize that in His time God will send warm temperatures and just what He knows we need.
I also know that I need to remind myself of these things often.
While we are waiting for the warm weather and new growth,I will share some old photos with you.
These pictures were all taken with slide film and later scanned to the computer.The gifted photographer was none other than my dear husband,Jake.

Below is wild Liatris with a mixture of other wildflowers.

If I am not mistaken, this is Fleabane.

This picture looks like a wildflower meadow, but is actually the way one of our flower patches used to look.I love that 'wild' look. If memory serves me correctly, these flowers came from a package of wildflower seeds we purchased.

The beautiful Yellow Lady's Slipper grow wild in some areas near me.

I love the look of a meadow, strewn with delicate wildflowers. It looks like each flower and blade of grass is also adorned with droplets of dew.

The unmistakable Wild Rose is always a winner in my eyes.

Our Prairie Crocus is an early spring bloomer in some meadows.They used to be a lot more abundant.

The sunny Coreopsis is so pretty, nestled in the grass.

I am not entirely sure of the name of this flower, but I believe it is in the Sunflower family. It is definitely a wildflower as can be seen in this shot.This is along the shore of lake Minniwasta.

This is Tansy.This plant grows in the wild, but can also be found in some gardens.It is a hardy plant and adds a bright pop of color to any space.

Closing Thought:
Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, 
Remain that way.Say nothing and listen as God whispers, 
“Do you like it? I did it just for you.” 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

5 Simple Rules to be HAPPY:

This post will be simple.Some recent photos and some quotes I have found on the internet.
I trust that as you scroll through the pictures and read these simple words, you will find something that encourages you.

 1) Free your mind from hate

2) Free your mind from worry 

3) Live simply 

4) Give more

 5) Expect less

Closing Thought:
“Happy are those who take life day by day, complain very little and are
thankful for the little things in life.”