August is upon us and that means we have about one more month of summer heat before we move into the cooler days of fall.Before we rush ahead into this last full month of summer, let's take a step back and enjoy some early summer scenes.
Back,near the end of June,baby ducklings are to be seen in many places. This Mama Wood Duck and her little family were contentedly swimming in the pond at St. Vital Park.
The male Mallard looks as proud as ever.
Sometimes you just have to give those wings a good workout.
The Canada Goose is making sure every little inch of him is getting washed.They really get into this bathing ,churning up the water with their wings.
Give those wings a few more flaps, just to make sure all is clean.
At the end of a vigorous bath the wings are given a workout, shaking some of that water off the feathers.I find it quite amusing to watch this whole process.
Closing Thought:
Don’t think about what can happen in a month.
Don’t think about what can happen in a year.
Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.
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