Saturday, April 1, 2017

Late Winter Sunsets and More

Welcome to April. I wonder what this month will bring us.I am hoping for warm spring weather, but I am also mindful that I live in Manitoba, so April could bring either snow, maybe even a storm, or it could bring warm rains to wash away the dirt of winter.
Whatever may come, I will do my best to find beauty this month.
Today, I'm sharing some pictures taken a few weeks ago.Yes, we still have snow, although a lot less than these pictures show.

I came upon a Bald Eagle and it actually allowed me to get a few shots before it was out of range.
This may not be the perfect shot, but I kind of  like the power of the wings .

This is perhaps a better shot. I do love this picture. It was a foggy day and that is what you see in the background.

I have been trying all kinds of pictures with my new camera the Panasonic FZ2500. All pictures in this post were taken with it.I am very pleased with the results.

This is not one of the prettiest sunsets, but it was not too bad either.

As the sun sets in the western sky it causes the snow to glisten.Each sunset is different but each one has at least some beauty about it.

Closing Thought:
A kind word takes just a second to say, but can last a lifetime.

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