Monday, April 17, 2017

Domestic and Wild Animals

I tend to post more bird pictures than other animals, so today I try to make up for that.
The first two photos are ones where I was glad to have a telephoto lens. I am a big chicken when it comes to large animals. I do think that they are beautiful, just don't make me get too close to them.

A leisurely drive along a familiar road, brought a sighting of a different sort. 
This big bull was standing in the perfect light of early evening and I thought he was rather handsome, as long as he stays on one side of the fence and I on the other.

Closer to the fence and the road, was another bull.This one has such curly hair on his head.He seemed inquisitive as to what I was doing.

Wild animals are the ones I get more photos of. During late winter the White-tailed Deer come out of the bushes, looking for any kind of food.They likely were finding some leftover sunflowers on this field.

Of course, when I stop the car, they immediately start to run away, so this is most often what I get.

Just west of my home town is a Bison farm.I find these animals quite fascinating,psossibly because they are enclosed in a very secure fence. Driving by there one day just about at sunset,I was able to capture this scene. I hope to get more shots of them and hopefully some of the young which will be born a little later.

Closing Thought:
The following thought applies to birds, flowers and even the animals:
Creation is filled with signs that point to the Creator.

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