Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Typical September At The Lake

Even though the calendar shows almost the end of November,we still have no snow and green grass.
So with that being the case, I will show some more fall scenes. As the title says, these are taken at Lake Minniwasta around the middle of September.

A nice little part of the path around the lake.

Of course some flowers/weeds were still blooming.

This lake may not be all that big but it does make for some pretty pictures.

I really like being at the lake when the water is calm like this.

I love the color in this shot. The blue of the sky and water and some fall colours on the trees.

A few subtle reflections show up in the ripples of the water.

Fall is the time when the Milkweed is ready to disperse it's seeds.

Oak leaves are slow to turn color and often just turn brown.These have some interesting color on them.

I have too many lake scenes,but when there is so much beauty,I have a hard time not taking more and more shots.

I'm not sure, but I think these pretty leaves may well be those of the Poison Ivy plant.To be safe,I didn't touch them.I do think they are pretty.

One more shot of the Milkweed seeds.Those tiny, shimmering filaments are just what a photographer likes to see.

The sparkles at the edge of this rock were worthy of a picture, in my opinion.

Thanks for joining me at the lake. Until we meet again right here, find the beauty all around you and pause to give thanks to God who created all this.

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