Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Eagles Displaying

December 1st. seems like as good a day as any to share a special moment with my you,blogging friends.
On November 12,2016,I,together with my sister, went for a ride, ending up at the Pembina Valley.
We had not seen very much of interest up to that point, but that quickly changed.
I noticed several birds in the sky and as I got closer, realized that there were a number of Eagles up there.  I pulled over, jumped out of the car and started shooting.I gave instruction to my sister to count the birds.The final tally was at least 9 Eagles,of which several were adult Bald Eagles.

This is a sight that always gives me a thrill.

I realized very quickly that these birds were playing in the sky, at least that's what it seemed like.
There were also crows who thought they could tangle with an eagle.

I will allow you to scroll through the following pictures and enjoy the interaction between these majestic birds.

 At times they locked talons and tumbled through the air.

Only to separate and do some formation flying.

Peace was not yet to be as they eye each other again.

Attacking from above seemed a good idea.

Look carefully.There are two Eagles here, one on top of the other.

During all this action in the sky,I could hear them calling to each other.It was such a special thing to witness and photograph. I am pretty sure I had a smile on my face the whole time

Closing Thought:
As we are now in the Christmas season,I invite you join me in the following:
This year I want to look up and be refreshed anew by the true meaning of Christmas.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Typical September At The Lake

Even though the calendar shows almost the end of November,we still have no snow and green grass.
So with that being the case, I will show some more fall scenes. As the title says, these are taken at Lake Minniwasta around the middle of September.

A nice little part of the path around the lake.

Of course some flowers/weeds were still blooming.

This lake may not be all that big but it does make for some pretty pictures.

I really like being at the lake when the water is calm like this.

I love the color in this shot. The blue of the sky and water and some fall colours on the trees.

A few subtle reflections show up in the ripples of the water.

Fall is the time when the Milkweed is ready to disperse it's seeds.

Oak leaves are slow to turn color and often just turn brown.These have some interesting color on them.

I have too many lake scenes,but when there is so much beauty,I have a hard time not taking more and more shots.

I'm not sure, but I think these pretty leaves may well be those of the Poison Ivy plant.To be safe,I didn't touch them.I do think they are pretty.

One more shot of the Milkweed seeds.Those tiny, shimmering filaments are just what a photographer likes to see.

The sparkles at the edge of this rock were worthy of a picture, in my opinion.

Thanks for joining me at the lake. Until we meet again right here, find the beauty all around you and pause to give thanks to God who created all this.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Pelican Lake

Let's go visit Pelican Lake.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about this lake:
Pelican Lake is the largest lake in south western Manitoba, Canada. It is about 11 miles long and 1 mile wide with a surface area of 10.2 square miles.

Those are the technical details, but I just think it is a pretty place and gives great opportunities for photos.
Since there is a yacht club at the lake, this is a fairly common scene.

On a windy day the waves break on shore and give even more photo opportunities.

The sun causes the water to sparkle, like it is covered in diamonds.

Now be honest, wouldn't you love to join me at this table for a picnic lunch?

This to me is a scene of peace.
I read the following;
When you do the right thing,God will give you peace.

God's love is unfailing.Praise Him.

The beauty of the lake and sky were stunning on that day.

I changed one of my photos to black and white and kind of like that as well.

A Great Egret was not about to pose for pictures.

Nor was the Great Blue Heron.

The Turkey Vulture,on the other hand is more beautiful from this angle than close-up,in my opinion.

On my way home from the lake,I came upon this unusual scene. White-tailed Deer and Wild Turkeys,side by side in the field.This is most certainly not a good picture, but to me it is unusual.

Closing Thought:
God is with you today—— just like He promised He would.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Just Because

I take many photos over the course of a year, many which most people will never see, but that's okay.
Photography is something I do for enjoyment it's not just about what I can share with others.
Most pictures I take simply because I like the scene, for one reason or the other.

For that reason I have titled this post 'Just Because'.
I will share some verses/quotes that I like and hope one or the other speaks to you as well.

Friends help each other through the big things, but cherish together the little things.

The closer you live to God the smaller everything else appears.

You may not understand today or tomorrow, but eventually God will reveal why you went through everything you did.
These are Sandhill Cranes.

Just because God is quiet doesn't mean He has forgotten you.

Have you prayed about it as much as you've talked about it?

Closing thought is on the lighter side:
Our church/family is like fudge….sweet with a few nuts.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Simple Things That Make Me Smile

The simple things in life often bring the most joy.
I hope you will take a few minutes to look at some of the simple things in life that bring me joy and make me smile.

Coming home and seeing three falls leaves perfectly arranged, just waiting for me to snap a picture.Thank-you Lord for creating this scene for me.

A simple green leaf, but it brings a smile anyway.

Finding a Red-tailed Hawk willing to sit long enough for me to get a picture.

And then lifting off, giving me another chance at a shot.I love moments like that.

I find beauty in a clump of dead branches, overgrown with weeds/wildflowers.

One simple yellow weed/wildflower is enough to lift my spirits and brings a smile.

Going to the Pembina Valley almost always makes me smile.

Going there with my family brings added smiles.Kai is trying her hand at photographing wildflowers.

She later took this shot of the Pembina Valley.Her interest in photography and her skill at it definitely make me smile.

Watching her climb a roadside shale hill brings a smile.She is still a young girl and enjoys all of life.

Seeing father and daughter side by side capturing the beauty of nature, warms my heart and certainly makes me smile.

I trust that at least one or more of these scenes made you smile.

Closing Thought:
Today I just want to thank God for the gift of life.
No requests,no complaints,just thankful to be alive.