Monday, April 25, 2016

Up,Up and Away

April 9,was a very special and exiting day.The weather was less than ideal with a cold north wind and not much promise of warming up during the day.All this did not keep people away from the annual Raptor Festival in La Riviere,Manitoba.Once again they had record attendance.
 One of the big drawing cards this time was the release of a rehabilitated Rough-legged Hawk.

This bird knew exactly what it wanted once that box was opened.

The sound of cameras clicking,or more like whirring was amazing.All eyes and lenses were on this one bird.

The shots I am showing are all taken within a minute or two.I focused and then held the shutter button down,hoping for the best.

Having cleared the box,the bird wasted no time in getting away from there.

In a very short time he was on his way north and we were left with pictures and memories of this event.I only hope that this bird will find a mate and be able to raise some young this year.

Mission accomplished and now it was time to head indoors and warm up.
This was a first for me.I had never before witnessed the release of a bird.
Another day filled with special memories.

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