Thursday, March 10, 2016

Clouds and More Clouds

It seems to me like we have had a lot of cloudy days.No not the kind of cloudy where the sun peeks through from time to time,but a dull overcast.
Photography has also not been the greatest,in part because of the clouds and also the fact that in winter there just is not so much to take pictures of.
Enough of my whining and on to some beauty I found on my computer. I may have shared some or all of these before,but I enjoy seeing them again and again,so I hope you will as well.

 This first one is overlooking Lake Minniwasta,but the lake is not the focus here,the clouds are.

These pictures may all be from the same day and place,but as we all know,clouds are constantly changing so the scene changes moment by moment.

This was one of those days where I saw so much beauty and all by just looking towards the sky.

Those billowing clouds are just a thrill to watch and photograph.

The following picture,might well be on a different day,I don't remember.I do,however remember the day I took this shot.I was going to leave home to go somewhere and as I looked up,I saw this scene.I knew that if I went back into the house to get the camera,the clouds would have changed and might not be so pretty,so,out comes the iPhone and that is what I used to get this picture.

Closing Thought:
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
(Psalms 19:1 NIV)

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