Thursday, March 31, 2016

Anticipating Spring Beauty

As we are inching ever closer to spring,I take a look back to pictures taken a few years ago.

The blue sky enhances every picture,especially when there are still no leaves on the trees.

Most of the pictures in today's post were taken a few blocks from my home,proving once again that beauty is all around us. The previous picture and the next two were taken in the local park.

I love the effect it gives when I stand close to a tree trunk and point the camera straight up.

This picture is an early spring picture from St.Vital Park,in Winnipeg.

This final picture is literally a few feet from my front door.The Maple tree stands in the middle of my yard.Those new leaves are so perfect.

Closing Thought:
True wisdom begins and ends with God

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter

It is Easter Sunday,the day we celebrate the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.
All around us we still see very little,if any,new life,but we know that it will come.

The ice may be gone from the lake but the trees are still waiting to put on their new green garments.

In a very short time now,we will begin to see evidence of new life.

Trees will be sending forth new growth.It's a wonderful time of year.

Shortly we can expect to see new growth pushing its way up from the ground.

 Regardless,of what we see outside and what the temperature may be,today we can celebrate because Jesus is alive.

Because He lives I can face tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Springtime Art

According to the calendar it is spring,but we all know that the weather need not agree with that.
The pictures I am sharing today were all taken two years ago in early spring.

The snow does begin to melt on warmer days.Here you can see the way the snow is melting,creating craters in the snow banks.Add to that an overnight dusting of snow and suddenly this turns into a creative design.

On the little puddles the ice is also beginning to melt,leaving interesting textures.

I was out one evening hoping for a beautiful sunset,and likely got that,but I also got a bonus.I noticed the water in the ditch beside the road and the lace like patterns that the remaining ice was creating.The setting sun added a nice soft color to this scene.

At the Pembina River the ice has obviously broken up,leaving behind chucks of ice that will soon melt and blend into the water.

Lake Minniwasta is ice free,but as you can see the trees are still waiting for their new green leafy garments.

I so enjoy the springtime,when there is the excitement of new growth and new  birds arriving.

Closing Thought:
Heavenly Father,
Teach me the art of responding to life,
not with my feelings but a clear mind and a clear resolve.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wildlife and the Not So Wildlife

Join me on a look back to August/September of 2014.The years change,but the beauty of nature remains the same. Some of these pictures may have appeared on this blog before,but I trust you will enjoy seeing them again,as I did.

An early morning walk at Lake Minniwasta was almost done and I had stopped to photograph some grasses highlighted by the sun.When I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye,I turned in that direction and this is what I saw.This was one of those special moments that almost takes your breath away.

On another day a visit to the English Gardens resulted in seeing more than flowers.On that particular day the little frogs were sitting in and one the waterlilies.

On a different day a drive through the streets of Winnipeg,resulted in this picture.At first I thought this was a very well painted concrete lawn ornament,until the 'ornament' moved its head. He looks very content  there.

I am not a farmer,nor do I have any desire to be one,but I do enjoy seeing some of the farm animals.I might add,as long as they are on the opposite side of the fence than I am.
I saw this horse on one of my many drives in rural Manitoba.

This Mama cow and her twins just caught my eye,as the sunshine lit them up so perfectly.

I hope you enjoyed this look back to 2014.We will likely do it again soon.

Closing Thought:
Pray not only because you need something,
but because you have a lot to be thankful for.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Clouds and More Clouds

It seems to me like we have had a lot of cloudy days.No not the kind of cloudy where the sun peeks through from time to time,but a dull overcast.
Photography has also not been the greatest,in part because of the clouds and also the fact that in winter there just is not so much to take pictures of.
Enough of my whining and on to some beauty I found on my computer. I may have shared some or all of these before,but I enjoy seeing them again and again,so I hope you will as well.

 This first one is overlooking Lake Minniwasta,but the lake is not the focus here,the clouds are.

These pictures may all be from the same day and place,but as we all know,clouds are constantly changing so the scene changes moment by moment.

This was one of those days where I saw so much beauty and all by just looking towards the sky.

Those billowing clouds are just a thrill to watch and photograph.

The following picture,might well be on a different day,I don't remember.I do,however remember the day I took this shot.I was going to leave home to go somewhere and as I looked up,I saw this scene.I knew that if I went back into the house to get the camera,the clouds would have changed and might not be so pretty,so,out comes the iPhone and that is what I used to get this picture.

Closing Thought:
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
(Psalms 19:1 NIV)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Dreaming ……..

It is only March and we are likely to get more winter like weather,BUT,I can daydream.
Time moves along rather quickly for the most part and so it won't be long till these dreams become reality.Warm summer sunshine and gorgeous flowers are on the way.

I live in Morden and just seven miles down the road is another small city called Winkler.I say small,because,as cities go,both Morden and Winkler are relatively small,but steadily growing.
Back to my story.The city of Winkler has turned an area along one street into a beautiful garden.
I have three pictures of this space and will allow you to simply enjoy the beauty.

With summertime also come thunderstorms and that means some amazing cloud formations in the sky.

The setting sun was painting these billowing clouds a gorgeous shade of pink,purple and blue.

Closing Thought:
Psalm 19:1 says, 
The heavens declare the Glory of God,the skies proclaim the work of His hands.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Prairie Sunset

Come with me on an October evening and let's watch the sunset.
The pictures may be from a few months ago,but the beauty is a fresh as can be.
I have included quotes I found on the internet.

Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.

Sunsets are proof that endings can often be beautiful.

 Don't forget that beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies.

Nature is painting for us, day after day,pictures of infinite beauty,if only we have the eyes to see them.

Every evening brings us nearer to God

Closing Thought:
 When I admire the wonder of a sunset my soul expands in worship of the Creator.