Since it is still winter here in Manitoba,I am showing more wintery scenes.
I will start with a couple of pictures taken in January.I believe it was on January 1st.Yes it looks cold,because it was cold.I do like the light of the evening sun on the drifting snow.
The posts sticking up in the foreground must belong to some piece of farm machinery.
Here is one more scene from almost the same location and it was the same day.
Now let's go visit,what I like to call,the piano tree.
Why this piano is standing in a field,under a tree,I may never know,but it makes for interesting photos.
This was taken earlier in February and is the way I saw it that day.
I used that same picture and changed the color somewhat.The change came from using one of the filters in Lightroom.
Still the same picture,but this time I turned it into a black and white.
Do you have a favourite of these three pictures and why is it a favourite of yours?
I will say that I like all three and each one for a different reason.I like the natural look,but the second shot has a special softness to it.The black and white seems to add an element of drama to the shot.
Now let's hear your reasons.
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