As February comes to a close,let's look a some interesting sky scenes.
I am so often watching the sky and finding so much beauty there.
The following pictures were taken on an evening when I was hoping for a spectacular sunset,but instead I got the subtle beauty of cloud patterns in the sky.
From a distance I could see the ripples in the clouds.
Of course,I zoomed in to get a better look.What else did you expect?
In another area of the sky was this scene.Not colourful,yet so pretty.
Once again,I took a closer look.
The highlight of that evening was this shot.Can you see the colors in the sky.
I am not a weather specialist,nor a scientist,so I have no explanation for this.The beauty of something like this is that I don't need to know the why,to be able to enjoy the moment.
Closing Thought:
For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens,and Your truth unto the clouds.
Psalm 57:10