Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Looking Back — Looking Forward

I won't say that I am wishing winter away just yet,BUT I am looking forward to warmer days and the arrival of the birds.
Yes,I know that it will still be a month or more before we can expect these things to happen,but I also know that I can look back to last year and see what I have to look forward to.

 In a few short weeks the rays of the sun will bring enough warmth to start melting the ice on the ponds.

Will I see this many Bald Eagles in one place again? Who knows? I do know that each Eagle is a thrill to see and I look forward to watching them soar over the Pembina Valley.

Once the sun has begun to melt the ice on the lake the sunsets will take on new beauty again.

Before long,this is what we can expect to see over the valley.Bring it on,I can hardly wait.

Of course as the weather warms up,there is work to do as well.
Last year my granddaughter was inspired to give her bike a good cleaning,so she would be ready to ride alongside her Dad again.

Closing Thought:
Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time.
It's about loving what you have and being grateful for it.

Even as I look forward to spring,I am thankful for each day and the blessings that come with that day.

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